Suggested Addition to Your Tuesday Morning Coffee
Photo by echoes71
So nice of the gentleman on the left to pass the goodie around. Mind making my coffee a little more Irish this morning, guys?
Your place to share stories on and off the bus.
Photo by echoes71
So nice of the gentleman on the left to pass the goodie around. Mind making my coffee a little more Irish this morning, guys?
@gogoedward has seen enough: “what. the actual. fuck. somewhere between rage and murder”
Looks like the lead train has hopped the tracks and ventured south of Market.
I mean, how does this even … huh?
Photo by Muni rider XC
Spammers have finally figured out what riding Muni is all about. This email just landed in our inbox:
Subject: New Nail ClipperDear Sirs,
Happy New Year! I know your Email address from the website. It’s really my honor to have this opportunity to write to you. Read more
Image via Tenderloin Geographic Society
This makes me think of what the Muni board game might look like. Maybe the object is to drive as many buses as you can all at the same time, a feat even SFMTA struggles with at times.
Via our friend at Tenderloin Geographic Society, who says, “it’s a manual for operators…and I’m willing to bet their manuals look a whole lot more clinical than this now. Charming, isn’t it?”
TGS spotted this at the SFPL’s “Cussed and Discussed” exhibit on Muni’s centennial celebration, which ends Thursday.
What are they supposed to do, walk around in the driver’s coat pocket or something?
Spotted this the other night near the Embarcadero.
You know how you hate cell phone talkers on Muni, right? I think this lady’s definitely excused in my book because…hello, pupperdoo napping in her shirt!
Photo via @nET_oH_.