Five Lovelorn Muni Riders Want To Know If You’re The One

muni valentine david lytle jpeg
Photo by David Lytle

If you’re still secretly wishing you had a date for Valentine’s Day (but publicly denouncing the Hallmark-esque insincerity of the holiday itself), I found five great San Francisco singles for you. These guys and girls are environmentally conscious, technology savvy, financially responsible, with sensitive writerly souls.

Oh, all right. These are bus riders who wrote Craigslist missed connection ads. But hey, with less than 24 hours until doomsday, this is no time to be picky. We didn’t correct grammar or punctuation mistakes in the ads because…I think that’s pertinent information you need to know.

So if you’re looking for a last-minute date, especially if you are the girl who wore black and white snowflake skirts and tights (or if you’re the girl who bought a painting and gave the dude a fake phone number), you might be the one they’re looking for!

Here are our Muni-riding singles:

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Five Muni moments this week

Photo by torbakhopper

What happened on Muni this week? Lauren touted her mad skills standing on the bus in four-inch heels, Lea spotted a cutie on Muni, Amanda realized she need business cards during transit, Eric struggled to describe the smell, and Dannel wins best overheard on Muni: “Big dog doodoo, hey HEY Hey.”

This week’s Muni moments are from @Lauren_Hannah, @leavue, @amandarants, @EricShins, and @DeMarko

Don’t forget to follow and @ us your best Muni moments at @munidiaries!

The Twists and Turns of a Single OH on Muni

Photo by davitydave

Matt got it all down:

A nicely dressed 40-something woman is riding Muni talking into her phone.

“Listen, I’m trying to move blocks around and schedule meetings.”

[…] <— that means she's listening to words I can't hear, because that's how phones work. "Just how much coffee have you had?" […] "Just what exactly are you seeing?" […] "Listen, I'm trying to win us a vacation to Greece and Taiwan. Honey, I'm going to get us on that boat. Greece… and Taiwan!” Read more

Five Mini Muni Moments This Week

muni escalator by smelania
Photo by smelania

What happened on Muni this week? Kai the chocolatier rode the 22-Fillmore with a backpack full of 15 pounds of cooked bacon, which made the bus smell like bacon. In related delicious smells, a woman’s bag broke on the 1-California, and a bottle of maple syrup shattered on the floor. Elsewhere, Sara was reading a textbook for her Emerging Diseases class while riding Muni and diagnosed some likely cases around her. “I like your haircut, but you should dye it,” a stranger said to an unassuming woman with a salt and pepper pixie cut.

And finally, here’s a song relating to an important Muni etiquette:
“Close, close, close your legs/when you ride the bus/Verily, verily, verily, verily/your junk can’t be THAT large.”

This week’s Muni moments are from @noshthis, @bozzygoestowork, @happysara89, @dewright07, and @CAwkward.

Don’t forget to follow and @ us your best Muni moments at @munidiaries!

Mobile Makeup on Muni Metro


You know how it is. You get out of work or leave the house late, and you have to put your face on in transit. A personal favorite is one-handed penciling of your bottom lids (you know what I’m talking about).

We’ve seen pretty serious Caboodles on the bus before, and one lady on the 5-Fulton apparently does it every damn day. But this phenomenon reaches new, perfectly lined heights on the K-Ingleside, via My Muni on Tumblr.

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