“I am the owner of Muni!”

Photo by cbcastro

Brandon wrote his diary while the action was taking place on the bus. He even updated it for you! Check it out:

Woman just got on the bus and yelled at the bus driver because he asked her to pay. She yelled, “You don’t recognize me?! I am the owner of Muni! If you don’t recognize me you shouldn’t be working at my company!”

She actually looks very well put together so I’m not sure whether she’s crazy or is actually the owner of Muni.

Update: She is now yelling at him accusing him of very specific things (he’s been fired 18 times, he transports babies to Mexico) and telling him her attorneys will contact him by tomorrow.

Public transportation is cool.

Yes, it is. Drop your Muni story in our submission box.

Fill in the Blank: Occupy Something

muni occupy
Photo by loritalove

Has enough time passed by now that “Occupy” protest signs are kind of retro? Probably not. But loritalove found this on a Muni stop and I thought, hey, haven’t seen one of those in a while.

What did you spot on your commute today? Muni Diaries is made from your stories and snapshots on and around the bus, so don’t forget our thirsty inbox as you go about your day today.

More Sex Eyes On Muni, Please

muni seat grafitti nice cock
Photo by beefbovanoff

Betsy wrote a very compelling love letter to a rider she saw on the K-Ingleside.

Dear Cutie on the K car,
I find your face and physical stature pleasing , especially in that black tshirt and white earphones and backpack. Very fashion forward. And if I weren’t riding with my mom I’d be making 10x more sex eyes at you from my seat hoping you’ll ask me out.
Love, Betsy. /hugs from afar.

Careful with those sex eyes, Betsy. You might end up in our Muni Cupid Roundup next year!

via Of Hecate.

Five Muni Moments This Week

muni moments
Photo by Roshan Vyas

Five noteworthy things that happened on the bus this week:

Sometimes the jokes write themselves, especially if you’re on Muni. “Crack head, a hooker and a magenta-stained poodle get on the bus…” No really: just saw this on the 44-O’Shaughnessy. Meanwhile, a guy wearing those Google Glasses got on Muni this week. Wonder if he saw the old guy softly playing harmonica on the bus, or the beautiful baritone singer singing in Italian on the 49-Van Ness. This week a rider put a new spin on the grooming practices on the bus: a woman was applying foot lotion on Muni. Nail clipping on the bus is so…2010.

This week’s Muni moments were brought to you by:
Michael Capozzola

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