Top Five Muni Moments of the Week
Photo by Holograhamz
This kid on Muni kills me. So do these five top moments on Muni this week, courtesy of riders like you. Read more
Your place to share stories on and off the bus.
Photo by Holograhamz
This kid on Muni kills me. So do these five top moments on Muni this week, courtesy of riders like you. Read more
Photo by archijoey
Are you a Pole Hugger, a Napper, or a Squeezer on Muni? The list-obsessed Buzzfeed has categorized 16 types of commuters that everybody hates. What’s your biggest commuter etiquette pet peeve? Read more
Photo by John Pavliga
Rider Evan S. noticed a rider in distress:
So the other day I got off at the Van Ness station and saw a woman frantically running between turnstiles. It looked like she was tapping her Clipper Card over and over again. She seemed very upset. It might have had something to do with the fact that she was trying to tap her paper transfer ticket from the bus…#thestruggle
It’d be pretty cool if you could tap your paper transfer, though.
p.s. Unrelated question: what is the appropriate usage of hashtags in non-tweet sentences or regular speech?
Photo by Hampandle
Friend of Muni Diaries @cripsahoy‘s got one hell of an imagination. She rewrote lyrics to Billie Holiday’s “All of Me,” this time with a Muni theme. Check it.
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Accurate in that it rightly expresses the frustration and rage so many of feel toward NextBus and Muni day in, day out. I mean, it was onto something even before the written overlay, amirite?
Via Bhautik.