Kegels and Hair-Sniffing: Top Five TMI Muni Moments This Week

Photo by amyf

Sometimes I think Muni is our collective living room. But other times, people just get way too comfortable, as these five Muni moments of the week demonstrate. Important life question: How do you even measure the speed of kegels by bpm?

  1. Overheard on Muni this week: “My special talent is doing kegels at 180bpm. My record so far …11 minutes.”
  2. Another important question: Would it be inappropriate to wipe the lil smudge of shaving cream off this older Zach Efron lookalike’s face?
  3. A poor Muni rider had to changed seats on the 43 because the chick in the next seat kept smelling her hair like a Fabreeze commercial. (What shampoo do you use?)
  4. Girl at Muni stop smoking e-cigarette and blowing wisps of pomegranate or apple fumes billowing in this direction. Kind of nice.
  5. A man just cleaned his pitbulls earwax out on the K-outbound. You know. Whatevs. No big deal.

This week’s Muni moments were brought to you by @smiffleblurf, @ten_is_ha, @happysara89, @keaneiscool, and @mschung. What’s your Muni moment this week? Tweet it at @munidiaries and let’s blow up the party talk!

Ferret-legging, San Francisco edition


A ferret, right?

Says jyhuang via skarecreau on Tumblr:

Someone carried this #creature on the bus, it looked like a guinea pig or hamster but the body length was quite long. #Creepin #pet #rat #weirdthingsyouseeonthebus

In any case, this probable ferret is more gangsta than all y’alls for riding Muni out in the open like this. Aren’t they still illegal in California? They are definitely still adorable in California and on this transit vehicle.

A ferret is new for us, but we’ve had our share of aww-inducing animal moments on Muni. See also: Cat in a bag. Indignant pug. Skippy the service iguana.

Ferret-legging is a thing, BTW, but this isn’t it.

If you ride Muni …

The oil consumes a resource.
Photo by TheRealMichaelMoore

… you’re either “into seeing strange things,” oblivious, or just don’t give a damn.

Susan is the former, and posted the following snippet on our Facebook wall.

Guy on bus: are you into seeing strange things?
Me: sure
Him: that guy over there is rubbing motor oil all over his body.
Me: (looked over) Yes, he is. Only in SF.

I had trouble finding a photo to go with this story. I hope you understand.

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