Multiculti Muni Metro Staredown
This is San Francisco, for chrissakes—even our staring contests are multiculti.
Via @lennyheredia:
Who won, anyway? We love gawking as much as the next Muni rider, but this is ridonk.
Your place to share stories on and off the bus.
This is San Francisco, for chrissakes—even our staring contests are multiculti.
Via @lennyheredia:
Who won, anyway? We love gawking as much as the next Muni rider, but this is ridonk.
What happened, uncontrollable case of the munchies when the 21-Hayes got to Popeye’s?
Interestingly, headless gummy bears found in a similar situation last year would’ve paired well.
Via missquela.
Photo by Russell Kwok
Muni rider redseca2 learned that there is a convenient electrical outlet on Muni shelters that can be put to very interesting use.
The Route: 6-Parnassus, inbound morning commute, a little after 8 a.m.
As the bus pulled into the Haight Street/Buena Vista West stop, some of the regular overnight campers from the park were gathered at the bus stop, but not waiting for the bus. I guess they must of had the day off. Anyway, some of these folk must have long term leases in the park because you come to recognize them, and they are certainly well-versed in the available amenities.
But I was surprised to see a guy with an electric hair trimmer giving another fellow a professional hair cut as he sat in the bus shelter. Read more
And this wasn’t during Bay to Breakers. And this wasn’t on a day when Matt Cain pitched.
What has this stallion (or mare) so enthralled?
Via Dani.
It’s about time somebody connected the dots between BART and Bart Simpson. Finally, the good folks at Cool Try made this T-shirt of “BART Simpson,” painting the transit town red.
A closer look at the graphic:
The shirt also comes in tie dye and sweatshirt flavors. Check ’em out.
Bonus: According to @onTheBeat, BART made an appearance on The Simpson’s this week. Nice.
Hat tip: @ellenhuet
Last week, we asked what you think of excessing blabbing on Muni during the morning commute. Opinions vary.
Around the same time, Blair (she of the 12-Folsom Fix-It Fame) sent us this dispatch:
“What do you do when it’s [the] Muni driver talking SOOO loudly on their phone??????”
If you’re Oscar the Grouch (see photo above), you … grouch.