You think your bus is slow?
Bruce found a bus that crawls along more slowly than Muni. And leaves behind an even slimier trail of yuckiness.
Your place to share stories on and off the bus.
Bruce found a bus that crawls along more slowly than Muni. And leaves behind an even slimier trail of yuckiness.
Photo by Lynn Friedman
This week’s Top 5 Muni moments, brought to you by the letter A and the word “adorable.” Because that’s what you think when you think of Muni, amirite? Read more
Photo by munidave
Do you know the two things you must carry while riding the N-Owl? I didn’t either, until now. Ruby got some advice about this matter. Read more
What with all the bus-jumping and BART-station-streaking/assaulting, maybe this pro-sleeper has the right idea. I don’t know anymore …
Via missponcho.
Oh boy, we can have A LOT of fun with this one. “I don’t usually ride the bus …”
From Muni rider kps:
“I don’t usually take pictures in the bus, but when I do, it’s the most interesting man in the world.”
Reminds me of the time Chewbacca was seen holding up a Muni Metro with his crossbow, Wild West-style.
Photo by hithisisjeff
Just when you think you’ve heard it all, hithisisjeff on Instagram sent us this story of an out-of-control Muni passenger:
Latergram from yesterday’s commute: This guy, after realizing he’d missed his stop, was so disruptive our Muni 8X driver had to stop on 101 South for safety reasons. Dude then starts climbing into the front seat with the driver. Passengers are freaking and some nearby start to intervene. I think the guy slips out of the driver-side window. I’m in back and get this shot. Ironically, he’s running straight toward SF Jail.
Whoa. Driver-side window?! If you were on the same ride, let us know what you saw!