Top Five Pride-Worthy Muni Moments

Photo by dannyman

This week’s Muni moments are as jubilant as they come! On the heels of Prop 8 and DOMA decisions and Sunday’s  Pride Parade, here are this week’s best moments on Muni:

1. Waiting for Muni is like a filibuster. Eventually you’ll succeed, but you just have to go thru it all again tomorrow.
2. Bus driver singing, telling passengers to get married on the bus, telling jokes #loveislove #pride #doma.
3. How can the N-Judah be late on a #history making day? Maybe the driver is reading @SCOTUSblog?
4. Equality for all sign on Muni means that much more now, said one rider.
5. Guy in front of me literally covered in head to toe with shiny beads and mini disco balls.

This week’s Muni moments are brought to you by @boobydeniro, @tessassarara, @emmaherlihy, @stephmantica, and @mamageps. Tweet your bite-size transit tales to @munidiaries!

It’s Musical Revenge! Top Five Muni Moments This Week

stand behind muni yellow line
Photo by davidquiros_

This week’s top moments on Muni feature a few well-dressed riders and a not-so-subtle battle of musical taste. I’m a hip-hop fan myself, but I’m not afraid of Achy Breaky Heart.

Top Muni moments this week:

  1. Putting Celine Dion on my phone to blast back at obnoxious boys who blast derogatory rap on the bus.
  2. Every time I’m treated to rap music on the 9, I unplug my headphones and treat everyone to “Achy breaky heart.”
  3. Read more

PBR 12-packs need Muni, too, you know


Conundrum: cracking one open on the J-Church when it’s packed and you could really use one (though preferably something stronger) vs. cracking one open in relative, however visible peace.

I think it’s safe to say that the answer to this age-old question is: “Yes.”

From Samantha on the trusty Muni Diaries Facebook page (are you following us there? Because follow us there):

Thought you guys would find this entertaining. Dude was pre-partying before hitting up Dolores Park on the J. Legit.

We do find it entertaining, and so do you.

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