Category: Funny: Muni LOLs
Startup Bro Thinks He Can Make Fun of Muni Better Than You Can
Photo by ryanrinn
Y’all heard about that startup douche who wrote about how shitty San Francisco is, and how terrible it is that Y-Combinator made him move here? And you heard about how much he hates the 49ers ( his definition: “girls who are obviously 4’s and behave like they are 9’s.” )? We’re not done bagging on him yet, even though Uptown Almanac and SFist did a bang-up job. Of all the things San Francisco is doing wrong for Peter Shih (special cadet for a startup called Celery, according to SFist), Muni is the worst offender.
Yeah yeah yeah, we all know that Muni sucks. But does this bro really think he can make fun of Muni better than you, dear Muni Diaries readers? Let’s see what he’s got. Read more
New Advice on How to Look Cool on Muni
We found some illustrated advice by Anthony Le on how to look cool on Muni. My over-anxious mind can’t fathom “don’t get up before the bus reaches the stop,” though.
Got any advice for how to look cool on the bus when somebody does the numero dos?
Strange Cargo on Muni: Sleep Train Find
Friend of Muni Diaries Faern saw this nice young couple carting yet more strange Muni cargo—a mattress that looks like it came straight out of someone’s bedroom, with the mattress pad and everything.
I mean, it’s no stranger than a giraffe leg or blow up doll, both witnessed by riders like you, and documented in our treasure chest of Strange Cargo on Muni.
Weirdness on your commute today? We’re all ears @munidiaries!
Impressive Muni Exit Strategy
Photo by David Lytle
We heard about a skateboarder making the most impressive exit on Muni yet. Via @robertranting:
@munidiaries #sfmuni 27 bus stuck in traffic. skateboarder thanks driver, jumps out emergency exit window, rides off #LaterDude
— RobertRanting (@robertranting) August 13, 2013
God, I wish I were that cool. Double points if his skateboard looks like this.
Rollin’ with the Abrahams on Muni
Muni rider Fionna asks, “creative usage of a $5 bill?” We answer, “sure, why not?”