Camper Van Muni?
Which do you think would break down more or take longer to get you where you need to go: a Muni bus, or a camper van disguised as a Muni vehicle?
Via Muni rider Ken.
Your place to share stories on and off the bus.
Which do you think would break down more or take longer to get you where you need to go: a Muni bus, or a camper van disguised as a Muni vehicle?
Via Muni rider Ken.
Photo by ajoh213
A couple of them even have lead roles as Muni drivers!
This week’s Things on Muni is brought to you by @goldfine, @katstounding, @ImekaSF, @claysmalley, @Chinaeg. Sing it loudly to @munidiaries.
Photo by Agent Akit
I really never knew how seriously the Boy Scouts of America takes transit safety until just now.
Photo via Agent Akit, who says: “Let me raise my right hand and put my two fingers up for the oath.”
Looks like humans aren’t the only species that like to get a little shut eye on the bus. Last week, a fox snuck onto a city bus in Ottawa, Canada, and fell asleep in a seat in the back, before an employee noticed and snapped a picture (seen above). According to news reports, the bus had been parked in a garage for maintenance at the time and the fox got in through an open door. It ran off when officers boarded the bus to take a look at it.
The photo, which quickly became a hit on social media, shows the fox sleeping peacefully, all curled up and cute. If you could only say the same for the guy passed out on Muni next to you.
You know the saying: When life hands you Muni, make adorable rocking horses and maybe get to work on time.
As spotted by Muni rider Tamara: “In case of Muni delays? @ Civic Ctr platform”
Photo by DeShaun Craddock
Clowns, butts in your face, lost bus drivers … all the stuff nightmares are made of. Unless that’s your thing, of course.
This week’s Things on Muni is brought to you by fellow Muni riders @alchaeology, @DanamRivera, @awwnuh, @theSusyness, and @teklex. Where’s your contribution? @munidiaries, yo!