I can’t believe it’s not Fabio on Muni


I wonder who the No. 1 most commonly mistaken celebrity in the world is. Just yesterday at lunch, I was positive that The Jinx‘s Robert Durst was a few seats down from me at the bar. No, it wasn’t him. And yes, I finished my lunch.

Muni rider and friend of Muni Diaries Stephanie sent us the photo above. Methinks this is actually Fabio himself, not a doppelganger. And I am right about this.

Previously on Muni Diaries:
Bieber doppelganger spotted on Muni
Heisenberg Is Everywhere
Bill Hicks lookalike passes out on Muni holding a can of Four Loko

What Muni and BART drivers really wanna say

Ever wonder what’s going on in the minds of the men and women at the controls of our public transit on a daily basis? Well, wonder no more.

The Atlantic’s Citylab brings us Above Average’s look behind the curtains, as it were. Pay extra special attention around 1:06.

Surely, one of the other cities they’re talking about cannot possibly be San Francisco? Okay, okay. And sorry that I called you Shirley.

Speaking of transit operators, don’t miss the very first Muni driver we’ve ever had on stage, Driver Doug, at Muni Diaries Live this Saturday at the Elbo Room. Getcher tickets here today!

h/t Sara

‘Only on Muni’ head-scratchers


Sure, there’s a lot of weird shit you see on Muni every day. But in a separate class all by themselves are the one-offs, the things you might experience only once, but things that will leave you scratching your head and saying (out loud or to yourself), “Only on Muni, man.” Indeed.

  • these senior citizens on Muni look like they’re about to punch each other. “Why don’t you shut up,” said the bearded one
  • I don’t even know where I’m going. I got on muni and I don’t wanna get off because I’m lazy to get up.
  • On #SFMuni this morning I witnessed a really intense selfie photo-shoot…
  • This 70+ year-old guy just walked on MUNI with a huge boner tent. Good for him.
  • Saw a smashed burrito on the floor of the 45. Poured out some imaginary salsa for the fallen homie. #RIP

This week’s Things on Muni comes to you from the wonderful, creative, sexy minds and fingertips of Muni riders @JQiii, @_PatriciaVaras, @MikeAloha, @Ereeeek, and @scenechangeGO. Be cool like them and follow Muni Diaries on Twitter right now. Go on, we’ll wait here.

Join us at Muni Diaries Live on Saturday, April 18, for a night of true, hilarious, weird, and sweet stories that can only happen on Muni! Grab a ticket and we’ll see you there!

Photo by David Lytle

If Emperor Norton rides Muni, so can you


This dapper fellow is none other than Norton I, Emperor of the United States, original champion of “a bridge crossing and a tunnel to be built under San Francisco Bay.”

Actually, the dude in the photo leads Emperor Norton’s Fantastic San Francisco Time Machine, a walking tour of our fair city. We love that modern-day Norty takes Muni. We have to imagine that the OE would’ve taken public transit also.

h/t Muni rider Sharon Steuer: “Only in #SanFrancisco: Riding the #Muni bus with #EmperorNorton on his iPhone.”

The true face of waiting in the rain for Muni


We’d been holding onto this one since the last time it rained. Yeah, we don’t remember exactly when that was, either.

In any case, Muni rider Bitter Giants Fan graciously shared this with the Intertubes. “Nobody is happy waiting for #SFMuni in this rain…”


Join us at Muni Diaries Live on Saturday, April 18, for a night of true, hilarious, weird, and sweet stories that can only happen on Muni! Grab a ticket and we’ll see you there!

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