NYC subway masturbator takes load of public shame

Consider yourself warned, NYC subway masturbators.

One lady — my hero — has no time for in-transit self love. Among other vicious, verbal lashings contained in the video above, she asks (rightly): “Sitting here rubbing on your penis, are you serious?”

Watch the whole damn thing. Over and over again.

Public masturbation is absolutely no bigs to some folks, and sometimes, people are cool with that. Sometimes they’re not, and the police will come looking for your ass: Like when the so-called Muni Humper went around rubbing his bits on ladies on the N-Judah.

So, keep it together, folks. As Muni Diaries Live alum Tara De Moulin put it so eloquently to song:

Creepy guy’s crotch just brushed my side

For the 27th time

Hey, it’s not that bumpy a ride

Get a magazine if you’re horny


Punctuation mishap on Muni warning sign

air quote warning jules forrest

This sign on Muni is pretty much the equivalent of nails on a chalkboard for the punctuation-inclined (otherwise known as civilized people). Via @julesforrest on Twitter, who said: “Type crimes of Muni, quotation marks edition.”

It’s hard to know where to start with this “warning” sign: the existence of quotation marks, the not-so-smart quote, or the underline? Well, don’t worry, it’s just a “warning.”

The right quotation marks (or comma, in this case) make the world go ’round. Got your own Muni pet peeve? Send it our way @munidiaries on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.

Hat tip: @mwichary

Best use of a stroller spotted on Muni


Strollers, whether we like it or not, are just a #FactofLife on Muni. And maybe that’s the way it should be.

This Muni rider, however, managed to discover a new way to use her pram. Via @side-eye spice: “This woman has a stroller, but there’s no baby — just a bag of burritos and soda. I’m writing her in for president.”

I’m down.

Meanwhile, ENHANCE!


If you can ID that soda (I think that’s a soda?), let us know in the comments, please.

Previously on Muni Diaries
Well-behaved cat in a stroller on Muni is living our dreams

Hot ‘Dam’: The Amsterdam tram top 10


As if Amsterdam’s ridiculously high quality of life wasn’t enough to give us serious jelly beans, its tram system, run by an agency called GVB, also wins. Buckle in for my Amsterdam tram Top 10 list; this is what everyone does there on vacation, right?

10. It travels through some of the densest, oldest, most heavily touristed parts of town, intermingling with footpaths everywhere, and it never seemed anywhere close to hitting someone. Kudos to it and transit-aware pedestrians.

See above and below for #9: Some of the trams dress up for Pride! As well they should as ambassadors for their fair city. We’ve always loved displays of equality and solidarity on Muni.


8. It looks like a face from the front, and I refuse to believe it’s just me.

7. Its origins of literal horsepower. Several tram lines are descendants of horse-powered lines from the 1800s. Amsterdam, it’s just like us!

6. You pay in the back, with a person who is not the driver, if you need to buy a ticket on the tram. Good luck not feeling like an asshole for sneaking on.

5. The fact that Line 4 gave itself an bath in the Amstel (the river, not the beer) in 1950, prompting me to say, today: Go home, Line 4. You’re drunk. Disclaimer OK, I do not know the circumstances around that image and I hope everyone was safe.

4. Disabled seats are a different color than the rest and marked with pregnant or elderly stick figures. SF, do we need to make it more obvious?

3. THIS ANECDOTE, h/t Wikipedia, the source of all things: “From 1922 until 1971, all trams had mailboxes at their rear side. These were emptied at Centraal Station; the post office’s distribution centre was located next to the station…Thanks to the tram mailboxes, a letter could be delivered on time, even if it is too late for the last collection from the regular mailboxes.”

2. This view from my window on a 2. The 33, the J, T and N all provide some stellar views of San Francisco — and it warms my heart when a new-to-me view shows up during travel.


1. This game <3. Srsly GO away, Pokemon Go.


If you need me, I’ll be relentlessly pitching GVB Diaries to the powers that be.

BART’s new mobile platform

iron board BART elligson

New features are coming to BART all the time, and rider @ellingson saw one just the other day. And, er, they’re still ironing a few things out*.

In case you know this gentleman, please do let him know that an ironing board is far from the weirdest item seen on BART or Muni! At least he hasn’t needed to transport a giant roll of bubble wrap, a harp, or a mattress, for that matter.
More strange cargo on Muni this way.

Got your own Muni moment? Add to the treasure trove of only-in-SF weirdness by tagging your Muni (or BART) moment @munidiaries on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram!

*p.s. Pun courtesy of @sparkyrobot

This dog is more civilized than most humans on Muni

dog sitting perfect muni diaries by thrifteye

How to sit gracefully: “Ease into your chair with your knees together. Keep your torso straight without leaning forward. While you will eventually cross your legs, the act of sitting down is identical to the one used for maintaining traditional ladylike posture.”*

Add: Drape your leash gently over your shoulder toward the direction of your human, taking care that there is enough room between you and his seat.

Thanks @thrifteye for this Muni moment. Here are all the amusing moments from the Muni zoo.

Got yours? We’re only one tag away on Instagram. Wave hello at #munidiaries.
*Source: Wikihow

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