Dept. of Oops: J-Church turns onto Market Street


File this one under “things being where they’re not supposed to be.”

Via the Muni Diaries Facebook page, Muni rider Jack sends this:

Hey Muni Diaries, my brother sent me this photo of a J-Church Breda car that accidentally turned right onto Market yesterday. It makes you wonder—after the new trains come, will the Bredas be historical F-line material?

Today becomes tomorrow’s yesterday. Or something.

Dear Girlboss producers: Can we have fake SF’s fake bus shelters?


Whoa, it’s a brand-new Muni stop that’s spotless and, dare I say, cozy?

LOL, of course it’s not real, you guys.

h/t Muni enthusiast Thea, who spotted it in the Lower Haight and says it’s a prop from the filming of Girlboss, a Netflix series based on a memoir by Sophia Amoruso.

Oh, the intersection of Real San Francisco — can you imagine a 22-Fillmore emptying at this little shelter? — and Fake San Francisco from the tee-vee, which is usually not much of an intersection at all. Remember HBO’s Looking?

But look ma, we’re on TV!

Muni stop hella loves The Bay


Ever find yourself standing at a Muni stop, thinking (as you do) about California and how cool it is? And then you look over and see that a bench was vandalized to better highlight the Yay Area?

Spotted, dorkily, at the 30-Stockton/45-Union-Stockton stop by the Stockton Tunnel.

Muni loves you — and, apparently, accurate representations of its home state geography.

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