BART’s new ad about Islamophobia

bart islamphobia ad kevmo

Here’s a BART ad that we can all get behind. From Uptown Almanac’s @kevinmonty, the poster encourages bystanders to engage in conversation with the person who is the target of Islamophobic harassment. A simple “Hi, how are you?” or engaging in a random topic of conversation could deter further terrible behavior.

Have you tried similar tactics to contain a potentially aggressive situation? Or maybe you went straight to the Taser method? How would you de-escalate a situation?

Hat tip to Amy over at the super-plugged-in, very funny Capp Street Crap for pointing this our way.

BART begins using crowdsourced escalator signs?

urban_advanture escalator broken sign muni diaries

Plugging into the wisdom of the crowd, we now have the answer to, “When will the station escalator finally be fixed?” Above is the latest prediction via @urban_adventure.

BART rider @27suns saw another likely conclusion:


Here’s the final word on when the escalator will be restored. Put it on your calendar, everyone. Submitted by Amy at Capp Street Crap.

Oh, San Francisco, you’re adorably funny when you’re cranky.

What else did you spot on your commute today? Muni Diaries is entirely made of stories (and photos) from riders like you. Tag us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to add your own diary entry of life in SF.

Muni Diaries Live is back on April 15 at the Elbo Room! All the best stories live on stage, and we are bringing back the haiku battle! Tickets on sale.

Renegade plant decor at Van Ness Station

skateboard plant ohvivho muni station

Who hasn’t gone into mid-commute HGTV mode and wondered: How would I spruce up this Muni Metro station?

Eagle-eyed reporter Vivian Ho (@ohvivho) spotted this easy home-decor fix on the Van Ness Station platform — the rollable potted plant really brings the room together, I think.

The Muni Diaries Instagram account is awaiting your submission! Tag us w/#munidiaries to submit your own slice of life.

Vivian will be telling a story at Muni Diaries Live on April 15, by the way! If you haven’t gotten a ticket for the show yet, they’re on sale now.

When wine rolls out from under your Muni seat…

colleenhagerty nyc subway wine

What would you do if a full bottle of wine rolled out from under your seat on the bus? This heartwarming scene is from the New York City Subway, as posted by reporter Colleen Hagerty, but I feel pretty confident that San Franciscans would start a party, too. After all, we’re not above pre-gaming on the bus (like with this fine box of Franzia).

A full bottle of wine just rolled out from under a subway seat and now these 2 strangers popped it open & are drinking it. This is peak NYC

Hat tip Katie M.

Got other party tips for your fellow riders? Tag us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. You can also email us at — our inbox is always open!

Castro senior takes Muni to poetic heights


Poetry is not easy, but Muni provides enough angst and fodder that one man at the Castro Senior Center wrote a poem all about our favorite love-hate mode of transportation. “Why can’t they be on time; If they were I wouldn’t have to whine.” Ain’t that the truth.

Straight from the Muni Diaries submission box to you, by rider Tom Barton.

Here’s a poem that I wrote for the Castro Senior Center where I go.


10 Muni Buses all in a Row
By Tom Barton


10 Muni buses all in a row
everyone’s wondering why it’s so slow
The driver wonders why all the fuss
of course it’s because there has been no bus


Now there is an app for the next bus to come
Yea, but how can I trust it so I don’t have to run
It tells you what to expect
But sometimes it’s a guess


Muni Metro ever so slow
when it will come nobody knows

Muni metro screwed up again
When will it ever end
Another breakdown, another delay
Maybe I should find another way


Muni Metro comes in a bunch
There’s been a breakdown I have a hunch


When I’m in a hurry I have to wait
Why are they many times so late
So Why can’t they be on time
If they were I wouldn’t have to whine


The Muni’s not perfect we know that’s true
So why are we always turning blue
If only we knew what to expect
We wouldn’t always get so upset.


A fare increase, 25 (cents), what the heck
Another quarter in your pocket, please check


With Muni we can always hope for the best
And with hopes that it won’t be another mess

Poetry seems to stem from transit riders, even resulting in a haiku battle between LA Metro and our own BART. Next time a rhyming urge strikes you, tag us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. Our email inbox is always open!

Bart Simpson takes over Muni shelter

bart on muni shelter by commutelife

Bart (Simpson, that is) has taken over this Muni shelter. Don’t look at me, I didn’t do it — someone else way more awesome did. And who will ever get tired of a little Bart-BART mashup, like the time when the Simpsons clones took over the BART train, or the time when this funny crafter worked “eat my shorts” into this needle point?

Thanks to @commutelife on Instagram for this photo submission! Got your own Muni or BART moment? Tag us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. Our email inbox is always open!

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