Post-It artist brilliantly illustrates Hamilton on BART

hamilton post it artist by andy lie

Bay Area creativity and our collective Hamilton craze were fiercely represented in a Post-It note artist’s work on BART.

As seen by @andylie1 on Twitter, someone brought brilliant cultural cachet to the fine station and city of Lafayette with some well-placed Post-It notes on this BART map. For those of you not (yet) in the Hamilton crew, Marquis de Lafayette is a character in the musical portrayed by Daveed Diggs. Here’s the video to said lyrics, and consider this your Broadway earworm of the day.

As if this is not cool enough: Hamilton creator Lin-Manuel Miranda full-on quoted the tweet for his million-plus following and gave it a big ole double tap regram on Insta. Dear Post-It artist, I think your whole life has been made.

lin manuel miranda regram

Thank you to Muni Diaries reader Deirdre O. for spotting this gem!

Other inspired uses of Post-Its on transit:
– “Don’t sit there”: Five things to be thankful for on Muni
– Mystery rider’s sweet Post-It reminder for all
– Using Post-Its to make the commute more entertaining

Got other important news for your fellow riders? Tag us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. Our email inbox,, is always open!

Crack in the space-time continuum on BART

past and future me by ronn vigh

Commuting on BART or Muni, as quotidian as it can be, can also be a trippy, deja-vu experience. Case in point — comedian (and former Muni Haiku champion) Ronn Vigh sends in this four-dimensional anomaly:

Wow, it’s like “future him” is standing just on the other side of the doors.

It’s an scene from Primer right in front of our eyes!

Got other important observations (in this spacetime interval or any other) for your fellow riders? Tag us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. Our email inbox is always open!

Muni driver plays Jedi mind tricks on ‘14-Mission’


When the sign on the 5-Fulton displayed the wrong line, the driver of said Muni bus opted to lightheartedly punk his passengers. Watch (read) the story unfold via @Bobakkabob37 on Twitter:

5 fulton driver by bobak

But first, he tries to convince riders that they are actually on Mission Street, but the locals aren’t buying it. Then…

5 fulton driver 2 by bobak

This is not the 5R they were looking for, nor was it the Muni ride these passengers expected.

Creative Muni signage is one of our favorite memes — who could forget the storied 3-Jacassus route? But this might be our first instance of a driver doubling down with an Obi-Wan Kenobi on his passengers.

Minge inspector maintains on Muni

muni wires from tara

At Muni Diaries HQ, we like to say that Muni is our collective living room because it is such a constant part of our every day. Though some things are better done in your actual living room, not everyone got the memo. Rider Dave sent us a story of one such example involving a useful hand mirror.

From Dave:

The Scene: the 14 just past 16th/Mission headed downtown.

A little old lady gets on the bus and sits down next to me. I am minding my own business reading a book on my phone. Every now and then I notice a slight flash to my left. I glance over and see she’s holding a small hand-mirror. I figure she’s putting on her make-up or something,… whatever.

The flashing keeps happing and I look over again and saw that she’d hiked up her dress, wasn’t wearing any underwear and the flashing (so to speak) was her periodically using the mirror to examine her private bits. I felt simultaneously like my breakfast was going to come up, and so relieved that my life is not nearly as messed up as what I was witnessing.

I figure the rest of my day will probably pretty tame, no matter what.

In her defense, haven’t you sometimes really needed to know if you have spinach stuck between your teeth, whether that awful zip popped, or whatever? Resist the urge, everyone. It can most likely wait!

Photo by our own Tara Ramroop.

Passengers boo poor behavior off their Muni ride


A few nights ago when I was sitting at Upcider on Polk, I saw two women wearing impossibly high heels making this poor 19-Polk Muni shelter into their own strip club. They were twerking and dancing at cars that drove by, using the Muni shelter structure as temporary poles. They attracted quite a few of the Marina-overflow crowd and then abruptly left their pop up strip joint about 15 minutes later.

This brings me to a story submitted to the Muni Diaries inbox by Kevin Mitchell. Kevin saw something similar escalate on his bus, and fellow bus riders had an interesting tactic to show their disapproval.

From Kevin:

I was on the 49 in lower Mission about six years ago. It was around 3 pm.

I was sitting in the back reading and I noticed some commotion.

In the middle of the day, in broad day light, a “lady of the night” (or possibly “lady boy of the night”) was very openly giving oral sex to a grossly intoxicated 5 foot nothing man, still holding his malt liquor high with a huge grin.

Now, this could end here, and be a story of disgust or possibly a musing on Puritanical values, a story of the depravity of man. But it actually became a moment of bonding between 20 or so strangers and me.

Collectively, without prompting, we just starting boo-ing.

“BOOOOOO!!! BOOOOO!!!” the whole bus joined in.

What could have been dark and scary now became something we could laugh at and dismiss.

We took the power away from the situation. We made a collective choice.


The two perpetuating the act stopped at starting laughing as well. They got off at the next stop.

We all clapped and cheered as they walked out.

Cheering, booing, or pointing and laughing (as storyteller Yayne Abeba describes in this week’s Muni Diaries podcast) — what’s your preferred way of communicating bus etiquette breach?

Easter Bun-day again: bunny in a bonnet on Muni

rabbit bunny on muni in a bed by dhmspector

Attention on the concourse, and be still our beating hearts, we’ve received word of a bunny in a granny cart on Muni. And it’s wearing a…rabbit coozie? It kind of makes the rabbit look like it has bangs, to which we say: werq, Muni bunny.

I’m not up on my rabbit facial recognition skills, but I don’t think this is the bunny on a leash we recently posted. Which means, cross all fingers and toes, that this is a budding trend.

Thank you @dhmspector for the Instagram submission.

Got other important news for your fellow riders? Tag us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. Our email inbox is always open!

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