Photo Diary: 71-Haight: 77 Minutes

71-Haight: 77 Minutes
Photo by Flickr user andy54321

There’s something about the number 7 that I’ve always liked. Maybe NextBus likes it, too. The photog notes:

Probably a NextBus error, the 77-minute wait soon shifted to 12-minutes. But the ad, which I think was for something Muni-related*, promises “extra time in your day.” Haight & Fillmore outbound.

* the ad is actually for

If you’ve got Muni stories, we wanna hear it! If you’ve got Muni photos, add them to the Muni Photos Flickr group.

Say It Three Times and Your Wish Will Come True


BART rider Felipe sent in a picture he took at the Rockridge BART station a few weekends ago:

I took this picture sometime during the July 18-19 weekend. It was at the Rockridge BART Station on a bench near the loading/pickup area. Nothing huge, but it appealed to my sophomoric sense of humor…

Hmm sophomoric humor? Felipe,  you have no idea, but you’ve sent the photo to just the right place!

Muni Mind Reader: When f*&king BART goes on strike!

San Francisco - BART

It’s finally here. The long-threatened, much peanut-galleried BART strike is set to start Monday morning. Of course, for us Muni commuters, this really only means an influx of the unknowing, unaware, well-to-do BART commuter (stereotype much?). We’ll do well to welcome them with open arms. Well, maybe not. Just be nice. Don’t bite. Tiffany Maleshefski, aka Muni Mind Reader, homes in on what it must be like for this odd creature: the reluctant BART rider on Muni.

WTF? I wish when I decided to go on strike I had the ability to fuck with the lives of tens of thousands of people. But I don’t. And just because BART is finally going through on its threats to screw us all over for a couple of days, doesn’t mean I get to go on strike too. See, I’d just get fired, or my boss would tell me to get my ass on the closest Muni bus I can find…and fast.

Which is exactly what I’m doing. Finding the closest Muni bus. That’s a doable request. Can I find one fast? Probably not. Why? Because I’ve been waiting here for freakin’ 14 minutes, and every time the clock ticks down to 8 minutes, the goddamn NextBus sign bumps it back up to 10 or 12. PLUS, who the HELL schedules buses to come every 15 minutes at 8:30 a.m??? Hello Muni wunderkinds, this is peak commuting time. Hmmmph. BART would’ve had me to work by now.

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Attack of the Dragon on the 38-Geary

Two demon thingies
Photo by Flicker user Maramusine

I get it, San Francisco is a town full of geeks. Moscone plays hosts to Wonder-Con or Comic-Con or some type of Geek-Con. As we do with all walks of life, San Francisco welcomes the Geeks. So I wasn’t surprised to be riding the 38-Geary and overhear a teenage boy on his cell phone talking about wizards and dragons. It seemed pretty normal actually, until a minute later when his conversation took a turn for the worse.

My ears perked up when he said, “Well, you know, at first when he said he was from another planet I thought he was a gamer, I mean dragons and war lords from other planets are pretty rare, you know.”

(Writer’s note: “Pretty rare?” I think they’re up there with the unicorns my grandma thinks are real, but I digress.)

From what I could gather from his phone conversation, some really scary dragon and alien war lord have arrived in San Francisco and contacted our young friend on the Internet and now want to kill his whole family. It’s unclear why they chose this random kid to have a battle with but my guess is because he’s telling a bus full of people all their alien secrets. With my luck, the dragon will attack the 38 bus while I’m on it.

Really, Muni operator? Manicure on the bus?

Photo by Denay

Muni rider Denay sent this jewel to our inbox:

My friend and I were riding the 33 to our local friendly Comcast (sarcasm) and we witnessed an off duty muni driver clipping his fingernails in the back. He didn’t even bother to collect the freshly shorn nails off the floor!

Can we get a “ewwww”? We all know that people who ride Muni should not resort to manicures on public transit. But now operators are doing it, too? As Charlie Brown would say: Good grief!

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