The clippers on the bus go ‘snip, snip, snip’

nail clipper

Matt Baume sends the above photo (we edited it slightly to protect the guilty), along with these words:

Thought this might make good fodder for a post. Maybe you’d want to mask his face before posting? Personally I’d leave it as is. Anyway, we can all agree: this person is gross.

Yes, we can agree with Matt here. But I’m sure nail-clipping on Muni has its ardent defenders. As always, we’d love to hear from all sides. But remember: Play nicely.

Photo diary: Palm pilot


A tweet from @toddster last night included the above photo and alluded to the following:

Still on BART. This dude stared at his right hand for a good six minutes straight.

All right, folks, let’s hear it: What was the guy looking at/pondering/worrying over? And before you go too far, there’s no hair on that palm (but if you want to Photoshop some in, by all means. And then send that to us, eh?).

An ode (of sorts) to bus drivers

Photo by Flickr user Rubin 110

The righteous folk over at People Who Deserve It have unearthed their screed against what they dub Aggressively Anal Bus Driver. A choice cut of meat:

How about cutting the peeps a little slack Aggressively Anal Bus Driver? Stop yelling at people for paying in quarters, or coming near the yellow line, or for not being able to move any further into the armpit of the diabetic Hare Krishna. How about you just suffer in silence like the rest of us? Sound good?

Muni Diaries loves a diligent Muni driver as much as the next person. But we all know that some people in all walks of life end up taking their jobs a little too literally, and wind up coming across as just this type of jackass.

That said, isn’t it about time we all restore honor and dignity into the system with a “Thank you” when we deboard? Just sayin’.

Muni Recipes: Picnic Lunch a la 23

Muni Picnic


1 bag potato chips
1 jar Tostitos® brand Salsa Con Queso™ dip
1 tin sardines in oil
1 bag Skittles®, Fun Size™


Bring ingredients aboard any mid-Saturday 23-Monterey bus. For best results, board through back door without paying fare; take advantage of extra blind spots in new hybrid bus design to avoid scrutiny of driver. Take desirable seat in the front of the upper section, with good views, easy access to door. Be sure to take up both seats, even if you’re preparing your picnic lunch for just yourself.

Struggle to open Salsa Con Queso™ dip. Fail, owing to tight seal on lid. Smash bottom of jar on convenient grab rail until contents until it shears off, leasing cheese dip accessible.

Open bag of potato chips. Crumble a generous handful onto seat, sprinkling Salsa Con Queso™ to taste. Scoop out remaining Salsa Con Queso™ with remaining chips, alternating bites with sardines.

Finish presentation with Skittles®; leave bag on crumbled chip/dip covered seat, arranging so as to emphasize color and texture contrasts.

When finished, save preparation time on leftovers by drizzling remaining oil from sardine tin on floor; spread into patterns with bottom of shoe.

Serves one. Or two, if dainty.

BART Bucket Head


This photo was shot well before Halloween, but that mere fact doesn’t stop some people. BART rider Kath, who sent it to us, has the following to say:

Hey guys, taking a break from my usual Muni submissions to forward the attached picture I just received from my co-worker. I give you: BART Bucket Head!

Perhaps chicken bucket as an effective means for masking the typical BART car odor?

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