Tutorial: How to speed up boarding on Muni

Fare Box on Car 496
Photo by Flickr user Nick.Fisher

Doug over at Ice Tubes blog got tired of trying to stuff crumpled dollar bills into Muni boxes and posted some tips for the days when you don’t have your Fast Pass/Translink/dollar coins/pocket full of change. Now you have something to do while you wait for the bus. — Eugenia

With the recent fare hike back in July, the cost of riding a bus/light rail in San Francisco has gone up to $2. Now you either a) use a pre-paid bus pass, b) have eight quarters ready, c) contain a fist full of dimes, nickels and quarters adding up to $2, or d) have two $1 bills.
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No Green Buses Today

Termius in Green
Photo by Telstar Logistics

But we’ve seen a few noteworthy St. Paddy’s Day-related tweets cross the wires, including:

I’ve already been pinched twice by total strangers. Is everyone on my commute Irish or just jerks?! by @Hilary_Laurie

priest on the muni isn’t wearing green. hmm. by @rachelpartdeux

Happy St. Patrick’s Day, folks. Party people, do me a favor, do not get on a muni metro between 11pm and 12am please. Just let me get home. by @rnaglejr

I’m guessing the drunken, stumbly man in a green t-shirt on Muni at 4:30 pm is related to St. Patrick’s day festivities. by @pui_ling

What about you? What did you see/who did you pinch today on Muni?

Muni Metaphors

Photo by Flickr user anitakhart

Within a span of 12 hours, I’ve seen two people on Twitter compare shittiness in some other system to Muni.

(via @troy) i think AT&T & Muni have the same biz model: over promise and under deliver. raise prices, lower SLAs. i hate them both equally.

(via @whole_tost) Damn you firefox, you used to take five minutes to load, now it takes 20! Starting to become the next Muni

I’m not going to pretend to scratch my head over this phenomenon. Instead, I’m wondering how many other metaphors we can come up with. I’m thinking:

Dude, this elevator is taking as long per storey as Muni does per mile. Ouch.


The sidewalks on Valencia are all Muni’d these days.

Or something. Got any other Muni metaphors? Let us know in comments please.

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