Love Seats on the Bus

Love Seat
Photo by Flickr user jovike

Rider Julie pointed us to a post on Starting this week, more than 100 buses in Copenhagen will have red love seats to encourage flirting. If you’re single and ready to mingle, sit in the love seats and see if magic happens on the bus.

“How about it, Muni?” Julie asks, “I can use some love on the 1AX,” she says.

You and me both, Julie! I absolutely adore the unabashed enthusiasm for flirting — from a transportation firm, of all places.

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The transport firm, Arriva, is following the increasing trend of companies branding themselves as singles-friendly.

Buses on routes 3A, 4A, 150S, 173E and 350S now feature seats that are red, placed next to each other, where according to Arriva flirtacious, sexy glances and cheeky pick-up lines from both sexes are allowed.

“We would like to get people to change their behaviour and flirt and smile more on the bus. Maybe some will find love. Others may just want to try taking the bus because there is a chance to flirt with a good-looking guy”, says Marianne Færch, from Arriva.

Several experts agree that the red seats could very well become the most sought-after on the buses. Single life is no longer a tabboo, it’s an accepted part of modern life.

If these seats were on my line, I think I’d get a kick out of either sitting in them or eavesdropping for some unfortunate pickup lines to unfold …

Muni Missed Connections #34*

MUNI SF tattoo
Photo by Flickr user 0x0000org

We were only on the bus together about 3 or 4 stops, I was sitting, you were standing a bit in front of me…but I could not take my eyes off of you. You’re super super super cute, and if you’re single at all, and into us menfolk, I would love to take you out for dinner or drinks or a show or something.

~ tattooed bus boy

Wait, the poster doesn’t even say which line this was? Still, cute. Nice touch with that oh-so-SF “into us menfolk” bit. Good luck!

* Okay, not really. More like 7 or 8. We’re not really keeping track.

‘If Muni were …’

Choose the face that best describes how you feel about Muni (pain scale by the super awesome Allie at Hyperbole and a Half). We know how rider Steven feels about it. He sent us the following Muni-etry:

If Muni were my brother, I would coldly turn my back and let him reap the fruits of his poor life decisions…

If Muni were a sunny day in SF, it would be a sunny day in the Sunset to say that it wouldn’t be sunny at all…

if Muni were pizza, it would be delivered in a Delfina box but instead of pizza inside it would be a box of hatred and disappointment…

Muni doesn’t trust Steve Poizner or anybody else at all…

Finally, I wanted to feel what it was like so I stole $2 from this guy on the street, then made him prove that I took it…and when he couldn’t right away, I wrote him a ticket and took $75 more bucks from him.

S.M. Williams
J – Inbound 7:23 a.m.

Okay, okay, sometimes it’s actually 🙂, right? We take Muni stories that land anywhere on the reference chart.

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