I didn’t go to Burning Man. Burning Man came to me.


Take it away, bhautik joshi:

True story of San Francisco: Why is this photo blurry? Ostensibly it’s taken from a window of a moving bus, but the real reason we were moving quickly is because we were being chased by giant twinkies. That’s right, giant, articulated four-ton twinkes, scooching their way caterpillar-like up Columbus Avenue, flattening Democrats and Republicans alike as they brought their sugary wrath upon North Beach. The whole episode came to a sticky end when the twinkies became jammed in the Broadway tunnel, at which point the kids from the nearby school swarmed out and ate the twinkies to death. Such a sad end for these beautiful, terrifying creatures.

Taken with the galactic bendycam 19.

On a separate note: I am so outta here for the next three weeks*. Play among yourselves, and spare Eugenia’s sanity as much as humanly possible.

* Hell no, I’m not going to the dirty, hot desert to dance. It’s my honeymoon, people. Mediterranean, here we come!

MTA Sound System

Photo by ChazWags

@kmcvey56 had an idea that piqued our interest. She tweeted:

I think San Francisco would be a happier place if they just played music on Muni (Norah Jones perhaps?!)

I don’t know about how her choice of tune-age, but I do wonder whether a soundtrack would help ease some of the pain of Muni commutes. One could argue that many routes already come equipped with passenger-selected musics. But I’m thinking something like a built-in, jukebox-like system, embedded in Muni vehicles, deejayed by a rotating group of passengers. We can dream …

What would you play on Muni, if you got the reins for day?

A Muni bus filled with ‘Oxford scholars’

22 fillmore
Photo by lorelei

100 Muni Stories

Muni rider Tara K. has a story that goes to show, you never know what kind of colorful character you’ll encounter on Muni:

Okay, today is the day I’ll be early to work…well, on time. I set out in high hopes of catching an early 22-Fillmore bus. I get on the bus and there is actually a seat!

Inevitably, 2 minutes into my ride, the bus breaks down in the middle of Church and Market. The passengers, all grumbles, start to shuffle. The bus driver announces that she will drop everyone off at the next bus stop and wait for assistance. As the bus stops at a stop sign people step down and everyone gets off. The bus driver announces for a second time that she will take people to the next stop but no one seems to understand.

That’s when the magic happens. A older woman, probably in her 80s, dressed in matching red and white from head to toe, turns to the remaining three people on the bus and yells “well, looks like this bus was filled with a bunch of God damned Oxford scholars. I tell ya the City is filled with ‘em!” I glance at another passenger as we suppress a burst of laughter. Then the show begins. The older woman continues on asking, “why the hell are people so stupid? Didn’t they hear that the driver is gonna take us to the next stop. A bunch of cattle, they are.”

As the driver pulls up to the stop the older woman turns to us all once again. She smiles and says, “well, it’s too bad they all missed the extra ride, the idiots, but it was nice ridin’ with y’all.” I catch her eye and say, “it’s really too bad they missed a great comedian!” She looks at me askance (Oh God, was that too cutesy for this lady, now I’m gonna get it), giving me a half smile and guffaw…and whaps me on the leg with her cane while nodding in recognition of her performance!

Note to self: Always ride Muni early cuz the bus will break down and you could be smiling for days.

It either happened to you, or around you. Share your Muni story on Muni Diaries.

Fun with Fare Inspectors on the 38

38 geary
Photo by atacklamb

Rachel at Fog Ciy Notes makes taking the bus entertaining — her daily rides are full episodes with a regular cast of characters and some startling guest stars. In this report, Rachel and her friend met two fare inspectors who were polite and friendly. Then, as almost all Muni stories go, they were all in for a surprise.

Saturday night Sam (who will be posting reviews of the hotel bars we went to) and I headed downtown for an evening of drinking in hotel lobbies. Trust me, it was both more and less glamorous than you can imagine.

We caught a mostly empty 38 at 6th Ave. and settled in to seats towards the back.

At 3rd Ave., a pair of fare inspectors got on and made their way through the bus, checking people’s Fast Passes, Clipper cards and transfers.

A woman sitting two rows ahead of us did not have any proof of payment. The female fare inspector sat down nearby and told her to go ahead and keep looking for her transfer, and if she couldn’t find it she would get a ticket. It was sweet of her to give the woman a chance. Also, these inspectors were polite and friendly. We liked them immediately.

The male fare inspector moved to the back of the bus, where he kept an eye on the back door.

We watched the inspectors, watched the fare evader woman rifle through her bags over and over again.

At Fillmore the female inspector started to write up the woman’s ticket. She explained how the woman could appeal the ticket if she found her transfer. The woman had some questions, all of which were answered by the inspector.
We got to talking with her. She was very chatty and gave us some tips on how to make sure we don’t get busted for fare evasion:

Tip 1- Always keep your receipt from purchase of a Fast Pass or Clipper refill. In a pinch, the receipt is good proof that you did indeed pay for your pass.
Tip 2- If your Clipper card gets lost or stolen, report it immediately and have it canceled, otherwise someone else can use the Fast Pass or funds on the card.

Her tips were good, common sense really, but I appreciated them anyway.

Our bus approached the Van Ness stop.

A man was standing next to a tree, facing us.

“Is he peeing?” asked the female fare inspector.

He was, of course. Standing next to a spindly tree, a few feet from an idling cab, this guy was taking his sweet time. And we all were treated (punished?) with a full frontal view.

“This is like the third time this week I’ve seen guys doing that in public,” I told Sam.

The female inspector started laughing, and pointing, and even rapped on the window.

Well, you didn’t think we’d give away the ending (it’s not that kind), did you? Mosey over to Fog City Notes to read the rest of the story and find out what else they saw.

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