The winner of the grand Muni tournament is …

Photo by Tenderloin Geographic Society.

I got back from a three-week break to find out that not a whole hell of a lot happened, with work, with friends. But what this week has taught me is that a lot of great internet took place in my absence (and not just here on MD, heh).

Case in point: The Tenderbloggers turned us on to Tenderloin Geographic Society, specifically two Muni-related posts there.

The first, above, is adorned with the following:

I understand that in some schools, children are made to race in competitions where, regardless of their placement, all receive medals.  Who could imagine that the practice continued well beyond the 4th grade?

The second one, well, it’s too good not to force ask you to click on and go read on TGS’s site. So go. But come back? We’ll miss you.

Also, here’s a fun game: Tell us whom you think should receive that trophy up there. Any and all candidates are eligible.

Goats at the Muni Yard


Rider Anna sent in this picture that I just had to post:

I was headed to Trader Joe’s on Saturday morning and glimpsed some unexpected wildlife in the weedy area behind the fence leading down to the Muni bus lot. Apparently these guys were brought in to control the plant population! It was so strange! There was a whole crowd just in awe of the little guys. Totally out of place and kind of a shock early in the morning.

Wow, I don’t know what I’d do if I saw this in the morning before I had my coffee. Got any unexpected sightings on and around Muni? Let us know!

Celebrities Riding the Subway

Keanu rides the subway, photo courtesy of

Rider @Jashsf hipped us to this BuzzFeed post via about celebrities riding the subway. Other celebrities spotted riding the subway include Hugh Jackman, Meryl Streep, Lindsay Lohan, and Madge herself. Check out the Buzzfeed post to see photographic evidence of them all (there’s even one hilarious picture of Rudy Giuliani taking up two seats.)

Unfortunately, judging by the photos, it looks like by “subway” they mean the New York City subway. Now, I don’t have to remind you the location of the actual center of the universe, do I?

Have you spotted any person-of-note on Muni?

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