Frugal Badasses Rock It on Muni
Your place to share stories on and off the bus.
The video won’t make any sense if you don’t have audio on. Turn on your audio, but maybe not too loud. And consider yourself warned.
Muni was a little too forward with Rebecca (@onewomanparty) earlier today:
Forest Hill Station was getting a little nasty this morning. I’ll pay the two bucks, thanks.
What’d you see on Muni today? Share it with your fellow riders.
Rider Anna sent in this picture that I just had to post:
It was so strange! There was a whole crowd just in awe of the little guys. Totally out of place and kind of a shock early in the morning.
Wow, I don’t know what I’d do if I saw this in the morning before I had my coffee. Got any unexpected sightings on and around Muni? Let us know!
Keanu rides the subway, photo courtesy of
Unfortunately, judging by the photos, it looks like by “subway” they mean the New York City subway. Now, I don’t have to remind you the location of the actual center of the universe, do I?
Take it away, bhautik joshi:
Taken with the galactic bendycam 19.
On a separate note: I am so outta here for the next three weeks*. Play among yourselves, and spare Eugenia’s sanity as much as humanly possible.
* Hell no, I’m not going to the dirty, hot desert to dance. It’s my honeymoon, people. Mediterranean, here we come!