Wanted: Your Singing Muni Driver


The word on our Twitter stream is that a few Muni operators have been adding some light-hearted fun on your commute:

  • “My Muni driver is announcing all the stops in a Donald Duck voice. It’s kind of amazing.” — @thelynchbox
  • “The 71L bus driver is singing the stops instead of yelling them. So awesome.” — @Grahamcrackersf
  • “This J line operator keeps doing a Donald Duck impression over the PA, and it’s freaking me out.” — @mrfb
  • “I swear my Muni driver is singing out the stops…” — @simplelife9
  • “this 38 Geary bus driver srly thinks she’s a flight attendant announcing every stop and tourist trap in a sensual voice. Lol” — @MMMeliO
  • “in response to people angrily yelling “BACK DOOOR!” on the 49,driver is now repeatedly yelling it into his own mic. Won’t stop” — @kailielaine




In the craziness of getting across town, I can definitely appreciate drivers who have a great sense of humor. Does anybody have audio or video of such entertaining Muni operators to share?

Left Behind at the Muni Hair Show


The other day, rider Brenden boarded a completely empty bus at the first outbound 47 stop near Pier 39 and was greeted by this lovely weave.

Well, we could hardly beweave our eyes when we saw Brenden’s picture. I watched Chris Rock’s Good Hair last year so I know these hair units can be expensive. Somebody needs to hit up Kim “Don’t Be Tardy for the Party” Zolciak for some advice. Word is that the Atlanta Housewife knows how to keep her weave on her head.

Compliments on the F


It’s not always easy to give someone a compliment. Rider Matthew F. sent this hilarious conversation he overheard on the F:

This conversation took place between a chatty transient and a business woman on the F line. The transient complimented the business woman on her leopard print shoes and asked if they were ‘real cat fur’. She said thank you and opened a magazine to avoid further conversation. But this did not deter him.

He then asked if she had breakfast and pulled out a slice of baloney cold-cuts to share with her. She politely declined. A few minutes of uneasy silence and some passenger chuckles went by before the guy opened his mouth again. He complimented the woman on her nice diamond ring. Normal compliment for a second. Then he followed up, “ You stole that, right?”

Fun times.

Saw something funny on your commute today? Share it here with your fellow riders.

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