Rubik’s Cube Champ and Other Best Muni Tweets

Photo by @Urbanoasissf

This week on Muni, @Urbanoasissf saw a man finishing a Rubik’s Cube in 21 seconds! What else happened on Muni this week? The @munidiaries Twitter stream is filled with absurd happenings on the bus. This week, here’s what Muni riders witnessed:

Yesterday on the 38 Driver told lovely woman no drinks. She threw it out the door and hit someone on the sidewalk. (@hollyhollsholl)
Riding #muni bus 22 and just saw a naked guy cross Market. Guess he was catchin’ a few rays while they last! (@fitfoxes)
Also on this muni train: two giggling nuns. (@pamalama)
I really hope the guy behind me on the 38L has a tiny umbrella in his pocket (@NedraD_SF)
Morning commute #muni breakthrough: carry a decent sized birthday cake and people will vacate their seat for you. (@thomaskielbus)

Follow us on Twitter (@munidiaries) — you’ll always have something to read while waiting for the bus. How meta is that?

Best Muni Tweets of the Week

Photo by @rgreenberg: “This cat’s stylin a Stacy Adams suit on #muni 31 balboa”

The @munidiaries Twitter feed is a constant stream of amusing moments on the bus. This week the tweeple of San Francisco saw some wild animals and an accordion man!

Meanwhile, on @munidiaries:

Outbound J: Guy carrying caged wild squirrel that was eating his garden, en route to release it somewhere with lots of trees. (@mrfb)

Dude is playing songs from Amelie in Civic Cntr#Muni station. Thank you #accordian man, you just made my rainy day. (@HereInSanFran)

Overheard on the Muni: “Do you know who Rihanna is?” “Nope.” (@brenden)

I literally screamed “YES!!!!” out loud in the Muni after I saw people selling Girl Scout cookies by 19th and Holloway (@unfastened)

OH on the Muni: an 8 year old girl asking her older sister “what’s Minesweeper?” #wearefossils (@turnerator)

Follow us on Twitter, tweet your ride to @munidiaries, and let us know what’s up!

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