Via @cripsahoy, ‘Muni drinking game rules’

did you know it's legal to drink on muni?
Photo by arlen

We found this genius drinking game over at A Streetcar Named Taraval:

Take a shot:
• You get short turned (two if it’s before sunset ave or 10+ blocks from home)
•An exotic animal is on the ride
•Your L somehow turns into an M between Church and Castro

Sip your beer when:
•Fare evaders hop on
•Kid tagging the inside of the bus
•The vehicle has that fresh San Francisco urine/weed aroma
•Hipster dude hits you in the face with his brand new chrome bag (take another sip if he has an ironic mustache or hat. And another if he has a dumb looking tattoo)

With these rules, we’ll all be freaking wasted by the time we get to our destinations, if we remember what those were. And suddenly, all the things we bitch about with Muni won’t seem so terrible anymore. Right?

We’d add a drink for every time a yeller gets on and addresses the entire bus. And when someone’s bulbous balls — literally or figuratively — make them spread out, at-home style, into your space.

Read on at A Streetcar Called Taraval.

Hot on Twitter: Best- and Worst-Dressed Muni Line?

Photo by Kelly Nicolaisen

The water cooler gossip happening this week on the Muni Diaries Twitter wires: What are the best- and worst-dressed Muni lines? We caught a few people on Twitter playing Fashion Police. @richdevin thinks the 1-California has to be the best-dressed. The jury’s out on the worst-dressed Muni line: @jnavin nominated the L, but @ginaespo tweeted that the riders on the 10-Townsend should be arrested for crimes against style.

We’ve featured fashionable Muni riders in the past, including some terrific photos of the fashion tribes of San Francisco. Is your line the best or worst dressed? Tell us about the fashionable people on your bus, or those who might deserve wrath from Joan Rivers.

How Fucked Is Muni?

Not to be outdone by, mysterious local internetians have taken online.

Sleek graphics, seamless interface, advanced functionality … qualities that would work well in a public transportation system, right?

I decided to test out my two alternative routes to work:

The 14-Mission: The 14 is not particularly fucked.
The 49-Van Ness: The 49 is not particularly fucked.

Hey, at least I’m armed with that knowledge …

Try out How Fucked Is Muni now!

Muni chief considers mayor bid, gets own reality show

masters of ceremony.jpg
Photo by SFist

In a late-Thursday news conference, SFMTA Director Nat Ford, for months under suspicion of wanting out of the beleaguered agency, abruptly announced his resignation. Ford indicated that he’s going to consider a run for San Francisco mayor this November. Meanwhile, sources at City Hall tells us that Ford has been tapped to star in his own reality show about public transportation on the History Channel. The working title of the show is “It’s a Nat, Nat World,” according to sources close to the project.

We’ll bring you more details as we discover them

The dog as hot as Handsome Montana man and other great Muni tweets

It’s no secret that we at Muni Diaries love animals. So naturally it caught our eye (and heartstrings) to see @pickupabook post the photo above and tweet about the “Prettiest thing I’ve seen on the Muni… Handsome Montana man excluded.” Makes us wonder what Handsome Montana man looks like.

Here are some more of our favorite Muni tweets of the past week:

“when i look in the mirror i look like a stoner with a bad cold = solo muni seat!”
by @powerboybass

“An elementary school aged child just peered over my arm to look at my Twitter feed while on #Muni. How cute and nosy!”
by @lsh

“Muni at rush hour is like playing Twister in an earthquake, except yr hands go on metal bars instead of fun colorful dots.”
by @mikemccaffrey

“The guy next to me on muni just made the young girl kiss his iguana (named Anna). Oh, sf.”
by @sfbaily

“said to me on muni: Guy: Did your lip piercing hurt Me: No Guy: I was going to say if you give me 20 I can torture you.”
by @cantaloupebeard

“Stalled on a #Muni train. What exactly do I need to do to turn this thing into a Coors Bullet Train?”
by @zachb

“drunks in orange on #Muni. Welcome to baseball season!”
by @ckblack007

Follow Muni Diaries on Twitter for the never-ending fun that is Muni on Twitter.

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