Photo Diary: Dude, Open a Window
What can you possibly smell on Muni? Hot dog juice or fresh strawberries? You decide.
And if you have photos on and around public transit in San Francisco, our Muni Flickr pool is wide open!
Your place to share stories on and off the bus.
What can you possibly smell on Muni? Hot dog juice or fresh strawberries? You decide.
And if you have photos on and around public transit in San Francisco, our Muni Flickr pool is wide open!
Laura of @caltraindiaries alerts us to this peculiar sight: A Caltrain that situated itself on … Townsend yesterday morning?!
At least no one was hurt. At least, not that we know of. I do wonder how many cyclists yelled at it to “get out of the fucking bike lane!!!”
Muni rider Erick’s got a great story.
A friend of my recently had trouble with his Clipper card while trying to enter Muni Metro at Church St. Station. After the initial attitude the station agent gave him as the card continued not to function, and after explaining to her that the card had a Fast Pass on it, she looked him up and down and told him, “You dont look like the type that would lie to me,” wrote him the very kind Muni Permission Slip above, and let him enter. If only all the station agents we so kind…
Here’s the text of the permission slip:
Agent Williams
at Church
Please allowed [sic] patron to ride until he can exchange his pass. His pass is valid for August 2011. It’s Hard to Read.
No expiration date, eh?
This reminds us of the Muni Doctor’s Notes written for passengers during a delay once upon a time.
What happened to you on Muni today? Share your experience on Muni Diaries.
While I waited in the Powell station yesterday for an N train that never seems to come, I did manage to capture a series of photos showing other people catching the train. I turned the photos into a .gif.
Awesome new activity while you wait for the bus. Thanks, Doug!
Twiddling your thumbs while waiting for Muni? Tweet at us @munidiaries or send us your latest Muni observations.
Images: Maru’s blog
Per the above picture’s caption:
Maru: Maru Bus departs soon. Please get on in a hurry.
And then:
Driver Maru: Where do you want to go to?
He even asks you where you want to go!
Important questions:
1) When is Maru going to drive my bus? It shouldn’t be a problem if licenses are still optional.
2) Will he get you to work on time? He seems to have one eye on the schedule at all times.
Cats love Muni, by the way:
Remember: keep dreams, have guts, become the change.
Check out more tweaking of Muni stuff: the Muni worm shape-shifts, robot bunny gives Next Bus predictions, and the new Muni mission control center.