White Whines on Muni

7 Minutes
Photo by Jamison Wieser

We enjoy a good White Whine here on Muni Diaries. We’re as guilty as anyone else: “Why is the internet out?!” “What is wrong with my Muni app!?” “This cheese is too cold!” We posted an analog White Whine on the 5-Fulton and giggled for days. I even made it on the White Whine site a few years ago — enter pride here — for complaining about my RSS feed vis-a-vis a European vacation.

We’re fortunate to be able to whine about tech toys and subpar service in restaurants. Because we relish any chance to poke fun at our privileged selves, we compiled our favorite Muni-related first-world problems as they’ve filtered into @munidiaries on Twitter. Here’s a few of our faves.

You’re on notice, Apple, Inc:

Thanks Muni. Going to miss my Apple genius bar appt now.

Struggling so hard to make it back to Pac Heights from SOMA on Muni. iPhone you’re failing me… And you NEVER FAIL ME.

You’ll get used to it. Sort of:


Probably my favorite. Well done:

Could really have used wifi on the muni this morning. Yes, I’m ready for the last refuge from email to be surrendered. #brainimplantsnow

Here’s to the be-MacBooked, and the be-smartphoned. May all our whines always be, er, white.

Let’s Play ‘What’s Grosser?’

Image by Flickr user muilak

Rachael posted an interesting question on the Muni Diaries Facebook Page yesterday:

Maybe I’m weird about germs but to me walking around barefoot is no more/less gross than touching everything on the bus then sitting down to eat a sandwich. Why do people eat on Muni?

Which led me to wonder which was actually grosser. I haven’t decided yet, but I’ve probably spent too much time thinking about it already.

The floor is just plain grody. I’ve let bare legs and bare hands touch seats and rails before even thinking about putting a bag on the floor. I think we can agree that the chicken and formaldehyde combo platter is an appetite-killer for all involved. But Muni riders snack on food that isn’t stuck to the window all the time, and it doesn’t always bother me. That said, we use our bare hands to eat, sometimes before washing our hands when we’re late to dinner and about to eat a limb for sustenance. OK, maybe by we, I mean me.

But, which is worse? Barefoot riding or eating while riding?

Circular logic at SFMTA Lost and Found

SFMTA - Muni headquarters
Photo by Steve Rhodes

Muni Tattoo girl alerts us to this “funny if it weren’t also totally pathetic” story:

I lost my coin purse containing my Clipper and my ID a couple weeks ago, and yesterday I got a call from the SFMTA lost & found saying that someone had turned it in (bless their heart). The woman told me I would need a photo ID to collect my… PHOTO ID.

Say whatever you want about competency. I wanna be present when Muni Tattoo girl and whoever’s running the Lost and Found open up that wormhole.

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