Three poets battled in a dark alley in the Mission for the right to go head-to-head with the current Muni Haiku Battle champion, Baruch Porras-Hernandez. And that battle was fierce! Tirumari Jothi, Chris Collision, and Alexandria Love busted out their best 5-7-5 poetry about public transit, and our audience judges chose Alexandria Love as our next challenger!
You can see Alexandria’s fight for the haiku crown at the next Muni Diaries Live Saturday, Nov. 4, and the Elbo Room. Tickets are on sale now, so grab one before they are all gone.
To tide you over between now and the show, here are some of the best Muni haikus from Tirumari Jothi:
Blowjob in car; that’s
Road head, right? So then, handjob on
MUNI; a track jack
I get on the train
One seat is open, but wait
Is that…human shit?
(May we advice that you issue a friendly warning like this?)
One more:
One time, I threw up
In my mouth, cuz I was hung-
over. I swallowed.
From challenger Chris Collision of I Don’t Even Own a Television:
On my way to work.
Fuck, dude, I’m wearing headphones!
Stop. Talking. To me.
One more from Chris:
I know you feel me.
The problem is, I smell you.
Standing room only.
And one from our Facebook page by Joy Morgenstern:
Manspreader on left
Negligent bather on right
Welcome to Muni
Be there for the Alexandria vs. Baruch showdown, and hear more only-in-SF stories at the show next Saturday.
Muni Diaries Live
Saturday, Nov 4, 2017
Doors: 6 p.m., show: 7 p.m.
Elbo Room (Tickets)
647 Valencia Street, San Francisco
Take Muni there: J-Church, 12, 14, 22, 33, 49, or BART: 16th or 24th St. stations
Photo by @hoobyjuice