John Waters Muses About Muni

Comedian John Waters was recently at the Jewish Community Center where the host asked him about riding Muni. According to the host, “everyone hates Muni!” I think he means love-hate. Or love to hate. But John Waters actually just loves the ride.

“Sometimes when I have nothing to do, I feel like it’s just like an amusement park ride…I love it, it really makes me happy to ride Muni here.”

Watch the video and find out what he has to say about the F and the J, and hear why his love for Muni is the only controversy he’s ever caused.

Hat tip: rider Shoshannah.

Thank You, Khaki-Pants Metro Hero

We made an exception for Rumpus editor Isaac Fitzgerald to tell a story about the D.C. Metro at the Muni Diaries Reunion Show a few weeks ago. And we’re so glad we did. Isaac told a story about heroics on the D.C. Metro, and why wearing khaki pants doesn’t necessarily make you gangster.

Isaac was such a hit that he may have inspired a Missed Connection ad from our event. And you thought you didn’t believe in fate and true love.

Have fun watching Isaac’s retelling of his D.C. Metro story (involving a hockey move!) and try not to laugh too loud in your cube…

Important Things: Giant Styrofoam

@RitaBookNews tweeted us this gem the other day, with this title: “Woman brings a huge, life-size piece of Styrofoam on Muni?”

Question-mark, indeed.

We lament the 500 breaches of Muni etiquette that flew out the window so this thing could have a seat(s). But it does look damned comical just sitting there. Perhaps these are the beginnings of a Halloween costume? It reminded me of Ol’ Drippy from Aqua Teen Hunger Force in its blobularness.

Spotted something cool (balloon animals) or ridiculous (see attached) on your ride? Talk to us about it @munidiaries.

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