Halloween or Muni or Williamsburg?

Photo by @hotchallah

We’re finally getting all the Halloween transit photos in our inbox and some of them look suspiciously just like another day on Muni…or Williamsburg, for that matter. Can you tell the difference? Is “sexy George Washington” (via @hotchallah) going to a Halloween party or just another day on Muni?

Found on the 27: Jack Sparrow
Photo by Brian

Jack Sparrow riding the bus? Why not. Is this Halloween or just Johnny Depp on his way to work?

Photo by @metsfaninCA

Whoa, how can you breathe under there? Is this a Halloween Thing or just regular Muni Thing?

Photo by @simplepunkk

Halloween or Muni’s revenge on organized religion? (via @simplepunkk)

Photo by @cleverdirt

What do you think, Halloween or traveling back in time on Muni?

Ok here’s an easy one from @JamesTamplin.

Photo by @JamesTamplin

His tiny size and candy pail are dead giveaways.

One more: this is not Muni. But is it Halloween? From the awesome Halloween or Williamsburg.

“And just like that, the American Apparel mannequin got up, stole a bag, and exited the store.”

Pay or Get off the Bus!

Photo by Allan Chen

Tales of Muni heroism, they occur. Witness this story from Muni rider Ellen …

Speaking of Muni…on the 47, heading back from Aquatic Park on Sunday:

Two teens get on the back entrance and don’t pay.
Driver: “You two gotta come up here and pay.”
Teens: “Who, us?”
Driver: “Yes, you, get up here!” (driver grabs purse and stands up to face the bus passengers)
Teens: (walk up to front) “We don’t have no money.” (teens sit down in front seats)

Driver: “Folks, this is why Muni is so broke and keeps cutting service, because these people think they can ride for free!”
Nearby Passenger (to teens): “Either pay, or get the fuck off of the bus!”
Teen Girl: “Did you just tell me to get the fuck off of the bus?”
Passenger (50-ish New Yorker type): “I did.”
Teen Girl: “You can’t talk to me like that. You can’t tell me what to do.”
Driver (puts on brake): “This bus is out of service, everyone!” (everyone groans and mutters)
(Teens get off of the bus, finally!)

After which, the bus started, and everyone heartily thanked the driver and the passenger. Muni is mighty!

Mighty indeed. Got a Muni story? You know the drill.

Halloween Or Just Another Day on Muni?

Is this Halloween or just another night on Muni? From rider Joey:

Halloween bus ride on Saturday night on the #2 Clement headed downtown. Unfortunately, I was trapped in a seat and unable to get in the shot. That girl in the foreground in the Ewok/Eskimo costume was from Minnesota and told us she had never ridden a bus before.

How much do we love a whole weekend of taking your costumes out for a ride? Be sure to send us your best Halloween photos on Muni!

Cops, Muni, OccupySF: A Comedian’s Dream

Photo by @tomprice

Last night the SFPD shuttled tons of police officers on Muni to go to OccupySF and it took forever to get there. The jokes just write themselves. From Twitter last night:

Quote of the night: “Cops are on their way, but they’re taking MUNI so they’ll be here in two hours…” @sfbreakingnews

If the cops end up riding around and waiting on Muni buses all night, they should clearly be awarded honorary 99% status. – @dolftown

Poor SFPD got on a bus in Potrero Hill bound for the Ferry Building, and ended up on Treasure Island 2 hrs later. Typical MUNI. – @mikedamm

Hey, look, the cops are taking MUNI. Relax, protesters, you’ve got all night. – @malderor

Word is cops are loaded on 5 Muni buses to come arrest #occupysf. Because it’s Muni, we know the cops will arrive late and sticky. – @natogreen

OH: “The police forgot one thing: MUNI is *never* on time!” – @sfslim

Oh, you witty Twitter folks! Tweet your gems (occupy or otherwise, but always Muni) our way, please.

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