Video: What Not To Do When You See a Muni Cutie
Like, don’t do this (a scene from the video).
Come on, New Yorkers. If you must write notes, try it this way (via @LindapopSF‘s blog, Popup Poems).
Much better.
Your place to share stories on and off the bus.
Like, don’t do this (a scene from the video).
Come on, New Yorkers. If you must write notes, try it this way (via @LindapopSF‘s blog, Popup Poems).
Much better.
…unless the guy at the very front honks the horn affixed to his cane. Per Sarah:
Hard to tell from afar, but there’s a squeaky horn on the end of that old man’s cane. I wonder if he uses it like a car horn, when people are walking too slowly in front of him, or to tell his wife to hurry up because he’s waiting outside.
It would certainly come in handy on Muni, let’s not kid ourselves here. Bravo, cane-horn guy. Few people can pull this off, but I think he does it well.
Wave shelters do not shelter! Let’s all get wet!
The new Muni shelters may not protect you from the rain, but they may protect you from small fire arms. Useful? Let’s hope not.
Octoferret says:
On the 76 line in the Marin Headlands.
My second favorite is ‘General Manager’ on the northbound 19-Polk.
“General Manager” is a great WTF-inducer. I have two others tied for first, though: the running ticker of gibberish and Sassy Muni Bus. Please Ho, indeed.
To answer your burning question, though, there is apparently a place called Rifle Range in the Marin Headlands. The National Park Service says you can find those purty Mission Blue butterflies there. Nowadays, it appears to function more as a venue/public space than a shooting range. Please give us a break for giggling, though, as we don’t see “rifle range” on many things around here.
Go ahead, make my day: drop some photo goodies in our award-winning (finalist-making) Muni Photos Flickr pool.
We found this TV ad for the bus in Norway (Nettbus) via @HollyHollsHoll and, let’s just be honest, we’re green with envy.
It’s well-produced, sexy, and made me want to live in Norway for a second. But I hear the winters are bad.
Not sure that Sean realized how much this would crack us up.
I noticed this after boarding the N-Judah a while back.
Maybe this Clipper reader is a cyborg from 2013 that’s come back to destroy the son of … never mind.