Muni Rap: I’m on the Bus!

Photo by dawncusackk on Instagram

Local hip-hop artist Satellite High pays tribute to a San Francisco must: Muni, of course. His new song is called “I’m on the Bus!”

And it’s better than a boat.

Here’s what the Satellite High says about the song:

Finding himself on the bus, our hero begins to relax and fantasize about a perfect world, one where he is recognized as a bus superstar and doors open automatically for him wherever he steps.

The bus makes several wrong turns, though, and interrupts our narrator’s reverie as he berates the driver for his carelessness before eventually disembarking at his home.

On Twitter, @rsomething hipped us to the song, which even samples the Cantonese and Spanish versions of Muni announcement.

The album was just released but it has that nice mellow ’90s hip-hop flavor. The full album is an ode to the bus (listen on Satellite High’s Bandcamp page).

Just Kidding on the N-Judah

Photo: stubbornbeauty

Brady posted this anecdote on yesterday’s post about N-Judah weekend service changes. She’s a quirky one, the N.

You’ll love yesterday’s N adventure. We get to Castro right before the tunnel, and the driver announces (after being stalled for 20 minutes): “My supervisor says all of you have to get off and I have to turn back to pick up more people.”

We all get off the train, it’s 8:30 am. After 5 minutes he opens the doors and says: “Yeah, I’m not sure what’s going on here. My supervisor now understands it’s rush hour and we shouldn’t do that. Another supervisor overrode him. You may get back on.”

Some sense in the WTF fog, then. See also: SIKE.

Sal Castaneda’s ‘Bad-Ass’ Muni Moment

We knew we had a treasure on our hands when Sal agreed to tell a story on stage at Muni Diaries Live last month. Today, we’re bringing Sal’s performance to the internets. Delight in hearing your KTVU traffic reporter sprinkle his tale of attempted (and imagined) bravado on the 44 with profanities. Safe work with headphones.

Thanks, Sal!

Who you callin’ ‘dummy,’ dummy?

Photog David L. describes the following scene:

The woman behind me was talking on a cellphone the entire trip (Yapper alert!) with a creepy ventriloquist’s dummy on her lap. Not only was she talking on the phone, but she occasionally was talking in what I assumed was the dummy’s voice as well.

Quelle horreur!

We’d have that look on our face, too, if confronted by such a tragedy. Thanks, David!

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