Witness: I Saw The Muni Adbusters

Photo from @dougrobbin

Ever since we found the “Cum Tum” ad on Muni and the spoof ad spree that ensued, we’ve been wondering who’s behind this hilarious turn of events. Last night a MissionMission contributor said he saw two guys putting up these ads on the 49.

From MissionMission:

I had the pleasure of watching one of the new fake bus ads go up today. I was on the 49 when two young males boarded. One mentioned concernedly to the other that there was no one driving the bus. I informed them that the driver was behind the bus fixing the wires, which had fallen off the lines as the bus turned off 16th onto Mission.

But alas, no photos of the two guys. Just as well, because that would be like finding out that Santa Claus isn’t real, right? You can read the rest of his account on MissionMission, including a description of the guys.

For review, we have a special variety Tums, the unfortunate nickname for Tartine, and an inexplicable spoof of Du Beers. The dig on Marines is also clever but perhaps not from the same culprit?

What’s next?

Muni Adbusted Yet Again: Du Beers

Well lookee there. What started out as a one-off Tuesday morning on Muni Diaries seems to be in the midst of going viral locally.

Previously, we brought you “Cum Tums” and “Fartine.” The local internet happened upon another: an ad for “Du Beers”(diamonds), with the adbusted ad slogan, “Slanging blowjobs since 1927.” That’s a lot of diamonds, a lot of money, and a lot of blowjobs. Eighty-five years’ worth, in fact.

It’s becoming clear that this is a concerted effort by someone or some group. Maybe the assholes who smashed windows in the Mission a couple of weeks ago have taken up non-violent protest? In any case, carry on, y’alls!

Via SFist.

Muni Adbusters Strike Again

Yesterday, we saw them take on antacid and, well, everyone’s sex lives. This time, it’s local pretentious/delicious eateries. What’s next?

The “ad” reads: “Fartine Bakery Cafe. Wait in line five hours to buy a fucking donut.”

Bone to pick: They’re pastries, not donuts.

Via caitlinolson.

Update: What’s next? Looks like we have a spree of spoof ads on Muni! Readers pointed us to Du Beers and some fine Marines. Seen more? Send it our way!

Spotted on Muni: ‘For the Frequent Cocksucker’

@dougrobbin found this ad on Muni. To which we say, of course he found this ad on Muni. I can certainly think of a few people who might need them.

Update: Looks like we have a spree of spoof ads on Muni! Readers pointed us to Fartine, Du Beers, and some fine Marines. Seen more? Send it our way!

Speaking of, move over, Cum Tums. You could earn a spot on a Muni ad by participating in our 100 Days, 100 Muni Stories drive. Send us your Muni story — from the past or present — today.

Cat Wants To Get From Point A to B

When you are a woman who owns a cat or two, you don’t want to go too crazy with cat stuff because people will assume you have zero social/sex life (is there a difference?). You want to keep it low-key, like, “Oh are those all photos of my cat on my Facebook page? Oh yeah I own a cat, no biggie.”

Except…unless…you are this awesome lady who has an awesome bag with an awesome cat in it on Muni, then you should rock out like it’s nobody’s business!
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