Muni Fashion Trend Twitter Alert

Photo by David Lytle

100 Muni StoriesScrew Fashion Week. The latest fashion trends can be spotted on Muni, as a sharp-eyed Twitter correspondent observes.

@SheEatsWell: There’s a guy on my bus rocking a headband. And he looks good. Oh #dirtythirty #sfmuni #100MuniStories

Disclaimer: That’s an older photo of another guy rocking a headband on Muni and possibly not the same guy rocking the headband on Muni in @SheEatsWell’s tweet. But I think this young man is also wearing his headband with lots of swagger.

100 Days, 100 Muni Stories” is our way of celebrating Muni’s centennial year. We want to put your stories and tweets on an advertisement in the bus! Check out on other stories competing for the ad spotlight, and send us your story or clever tweet. Remember to use the hashtag #100MuniStories!

It’s Always Snacktime on Muni

Photo: joshleejosh

100 Muni StoriesReal, honest-to-goodness Muni is found just as easily in 140 characters as it is in 1,400. To whit:

@alleekate418: On the T watching a man eat something out of his shoe.

What kind of shoe, I wonder? And are we talking M&Ms or mashed potatoes?

More Muni experiences await your eyeballs — check out the rest in our “100 Days, 100 Muni Stories Muni” celebration. And we still want to hear from you; send us your stories today, ’cause the best ones will be excerpted on a real-life Muni bus ad.

Newest Muni Ad Spoof: Men’s Whorehouse

We’ve just received a photo of the latest Muni spoof ad spree from reader “Black Elvis.” He found it Friday on the 49 around 3 p.m. The ad reads: Men’s Whorehouse “You’re gonna like the whore you bang, we guarantee it.”


Earlier, a MissionMission contributor said he saw two guys putting up these ads on the 49 (“one of them had a pretty sweet mustache”).

So far in the series of Muni adbusters, we’ve got a special variety Tumsthe other name for Tartine, and a dig on Du Beers.

I can’t quite tell why Men’s Warehouse was picked as a target for the spoof. Personally I think this spoof of a men’s fragrance is pretty on point.

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