Next-Level Eavesdropping on Muni

Photo by Robert B. Livingston

100 Muni Stories

Being nosy while riding public transit in San Francisco requires new levels of skills, as evidenced by this tweet observation.

@scenechangego: Accidentally eavesdropping in 4 languages #sfmuni #californian #100MuniStories

You, too, could be featured in our 100 Days, 100 Muni Stories drive. Celebrate 100 years of Muni by telling us your story today. Email works, or tweet to @munidiaries, hashtag #100MuniStories.

Hard Living in Tokyo?

Muni Diaries reader Jamie shared this funny photo taken during his trip to Tokyo. Too many late nights for this snoozing subway rider? Jamie has a more interesting theory: “pretty sure this lady was drunk at 6 a.m. on a Sunday.” We’re sure Jamie felt right at home, in that case.

The Uneventful Muni Ride

Photo by Abe Bingham

100 Muni StoriesThis tweet made me think of public transit planners, the people who ostensibly want a system of vehicles going from various Points A to B without much happening in between. Yeah, right.

@PickUpABook: Nothing eventful happened on my commute today. With muni, sometimes that’s the best you can hope for

We hear you. Although there are some experiences we hope for.

For the next few months, Muni Diaries is presenting 100 Days, 100 Muni Stories, our way of celebrating Muni’s centennial year. Send us your contribution, or tag your tweets #100MuniStories.

Ready-for-Primetime Muni Driver Sings the Connecting Lines

Photo: The Holy Hand Grenade

100 Muni StoriesA Broadway-ready Muni driver gets creative with the announcements:

@bhautikj: The driver on the 27-Bryant is theatrically singing the names of connecting lines. Awesome!

Is it the same singing Muni driver from last year? When he’s bigtime famous, we can say we knew him when.

Heard or experienced something quintessentially Muni? A centennial-worthy tale, perhaps? Send us your story via the Muni Diaries submission form or tweet @munidiaries with hashtag #100MuniStories. Read the rest of our 100 Days, 100 Muni Stories entries for inspiration.

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