Polite, Proud Balloon Creature on Muni Metro

*whispers intently*

Behold: a purple balloon monster in its natural habitat: among Uggs and vaguely interested Metro passengers.

As spotted by stuffjosefinawrites on Tumblr, this unique balloon creature joins an esteemed cadre of balloon animals on Muni, usually much more buttoned up and tethered than our wily friend here. Muni Diaries editor Eugenia says she spotted it as part of the Pride parade; like a good reveler, it responsibly took public transit home and kept its hands to itself. Kind of.

Send us your photos of interesting creatures on Muni today.

Muni Adbusters Redux: Gap Is Lucky No. 7

Just when we thought it was safe to, once again, be bored silly by bus ads, the Muni adbusters have returned. I think this is the seventh installment.

Rider Jeff sent us the pic, saying he saw this Gap spoof on a 1-California on Monday. How many of Jeff’s fellow riders just left Gap with bags of new underwear, we wonder?

If you have no idea what I’m talking about, these so-called Muni adbusters were spoofing popular ads and local businesses back in May. The effort has been lambasted by some for its 12-year-old-boy humor, but with faux brand names like Cum Tums and Fartine, I have no idea why. None at all.

More Muni adbusting here.

Curiosity Aroused on the 71-Haight/Noriega

Photo by WarzauWynn

100 Muni StoriesWe take these things for granted in San Francisco. But there aren’t too many other places in the world where @trivia_tidbit‘s tweet would make total sense.

And it probably really didn’t even matter. Which it shouldn’t.

I Know What You’re Reading

Photo by Heather
100 Muni Stories

Think you’re being clever with your less-than-high-brow novel? @genaweave is on to you.

Woman on #sfmuni is reading her book upside down. There is a 95% chance that she’s secretly reading#50shadesofgray. – @genaweave

Oh snap.

Side story: When I saw 50 Shades of Grey at Green Apple Books, at first I thought it was a book about being black in America. Another friend thought it was a book about aging gracefully. How wrong we were.

Prof. Muni Demo on All-Door Boarding

Okay, folks. It’s been two full days now of Muni’s official (as opposed to its unspoken) all-door boarding policy. Just in case you ain’t got the hang of things yet, allow SFMTA to guide you through this difficult transition in this tutorial shot in its “Muni Labs.” Yes, this video appears on SFMTA’s official YouTube channel.

Also: Double-yoo-the-fuck!?

Via Michael.

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