What Exactly Is “Muni Hump C”?
Anyone care to guess? Photo by Amy.
Your place to share stories on and off the bus.
Anyone care to guess? Photo by Amy.
Oh, who am I kidding with that headline. It’s hard out there for a Muni driver, though, no joke.
This here from @greendressgirl on a 36-Teresita.
Photo by stevendamron
“Crazy guy gets on muni, refuses to pay. Bus driver stops the bus and says we ain’t goin nowhere til you pay. Guy curses at bus driver.” – 11:58 AM
“Guy stands over bus driver, threateningly, yelling that he’s been in this town 20 yrs and driver is the dumbest dumbfuck he’s ever seen.” – 11:59 AM
“Driver waves something in guy’s face, yells “get out”. Guy stands on steps, driver opens and closes doors on him, yell at each other more.” – 12:03 PM
“Doors close on guy, he picks up a half full anchor steam from a now-empty outdoor table at bougie pac-heights cafe. Walks away cursing.” – 12:07 PM
“Entire bus starts laughing. Hipster girl in big sunglasses, red flannel shirt and matching iphone case, says ‘This is why I love Muni.'” – 12:11 PM
And the grande finale!
“Several stops later, still in wealthy neighborhood, different crazy hobo type gets on bus, chanting ‘money talks, money talks.’ He pays tho.” – 12:15 PM
We’re guessing this ride was on the 22-Fillmore. What do you think? Had to be, right?
Patricia sent us this pic, noting:
…saw this spud on the N a few days back. I like to imagine he (yes, it’s a he) is riding the Muni rails in search of his long-lost tomato…
I love how even this tough-skinned ‘tater won’t sit on Muni without a newspaper barrier.
Now, please keep your eyes peeled (HA!) for the Muni-riding hamburger searching far and wide for its sides.
Hey, sometimes you need a break from Cocoon fan parties and diabeetus commercials.
So, we don’t know-know that this is Wilford Brimley, but we enjoy pretending it is. Maybe he can also be the spokesman for taking Muni to Giants games, right?
Thanks for tweeting this to us, @David_Albizo.
Definitely on our list of worst Muni stories: people popping zits on the bus. By messtiza
And, of course, the occasional old guy who touches a young lady’s leg and jerks off.
A few of favorites include:
Sat down on a seat covered in shit (hopefully it was from an animal) at the Mission and 4th stop. If you saw a guy washing his pants in the Metreon bathroom, that was me. — foofy
Woman carrying a big stack of eggs/crates. Hundreds of eggs. Leaning tower of Pisa style. She’s trying to keep this shit level, but it doesn’t work. It tips and eggs go all over the place. (38 Geary) — firebelly
Read the entire entertaining thread on Reddit for yourself. Maybe grab a barf bag first?
A few of our favorite Muni Diaries horror stories include No. 2 on the 22, Letting out at Sacramento and Fillmore, and A misfired projectile in Tiffany’s airspace
What’s your worst Muni story?