My Muni (Mewni) Never Looks Like This

I ask, simply, why the 38-Geary (and its passengers — note the kids in the front piloting this beast) doesn’t look like this always, forever.

This 38/freakishly excited cat-ipede traveled to our eyeballs via Benjamin Seto on Facebook. In a comment, Benjamin notes that he used to take the 38 a lot when he’d hang in the city. I’m jealous that this was his takeaway from that experience, because I can say with certainty that this has never been my takeaway from that experience. Takes an artist’s eye, I s’pose.

Is Muni your muse? ’cause it’s proven time and again to be a good one. Send us a Muni story describing your latest adventure.

All the pretty Muni tweets …

Image by Miguel Arias

So many worlds colliding here: my wife sifts through the best of the @munidiaries feed to choose those most representative of some far-fetched cumulative Muni experience. It gets illustrated and runs in the Bold Italic’s “Obsessions” magazine, then pops up on TBI’s website.

Many thanks to the folks over at Bold Italic, and especially to the following for tweeting their Muni-lovin’ hearts out: @techniqual, @smavani, @efrnyanz, @lwaldal, @NewYearSunBear, @toxic, @SejalDhruva, @JuliaLetzel. Like Muni Diaries the website, @munidiaries would be nothing without your contributions. Keep ’em coming!

Fleet Week Muni Newbie Guide

Photo by Josh Hawley

Sailors and other Muni newbies are in town for Fleet Week, so be prepared to see lots of confused (or drunk?) faces on public transit. Over the years you’ve shared lots of tips for newbies. In addition to the ole “$2 a ride, exact change, keep the transfer, good for any direction for 90 minutes,” we’ve seen some funny and useful tips. Some of the best advice from you for a Muni newbie.

2. When the recorded lady tells you to “Please Hold On,” she means it.
3. That’s not water on the seat.
4. Hold on to your cell phone and valuables.
5. Move to the back. You’ll get off the bus in time.
6. There’s no honest game of dice on the bus.

What else, what else? More advice here:

Found: The Crocodile King of Muni

Photo via Reddit

Folks on Reddit are buzzing about The Crocodile King of Muni. I used to see this guy walking around my old neighborhood in the Richmond, and here he is on Muni in his full crocodile glory. Check him out from top to bottom, especially those crocodile shoes! And did you notice his tie? So few people take this much care into a coordinating look. This is an outfit worthy of the word “epic.”

According to commenters on Reddit, “he has an equally awesome car. Kinda makes it even sweeter to see him on a bus making sure the Muni commuters are exposed to the swag.”

“No one has ever won as hard as this gentleman is currently winning.”

That about says it all.

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