Newest Way to Wear Casual Layers, San Francisco Style

Photo by meeksmageek

San Francisco weather dictates that you wear layers at all times. So how do you layer casual chic pieces this season without looking too bulky? @fashion415 found the answer. Pair your favorite dark jeans with some light-color denim for a slimming, ultra-layered look. Wear a matching simple leather belt (only on the outer pants, guys) to make sure that it fits just low enough at the waist. This gentleman has also paired his double-pant outfit with a peek-a-boo crop shirt that accentuates his waist.

Finally, a chic way to wear more of your favorite pants.

Tampax Pearl ad (sort of) on Muni

Photo: @glopdemon on Twitter and Instagram

I, just, I have so many questions. Sometimes, it’s senseless gummy bear death. Sometimes, it’s this.

For the uninitiated, this is a tampon applicator. There used to be a new tampon in this, but there is no longer a tampon (of any kind) in it. As far as I can tell, anyway.

Per @glopdemon on Twitter: “Here’s a cool thing to find in the window of the bus.”

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Alert: Hot Scot on Muni

Photo by @Anzermo

Stop the presses. There is a hot Scot on the bus. Or at least @Anzermo thinks so.

While the degrees of hotness definitely depend on personal preference, I can see why this dapper Muni passenger was bestowed the title of “Hot Scot on the bus.” Let’s break it down:

  • He is checking his phone and indifferent to his own spectacular style.
  • His tie matches his kilt.
  • His socks look woolly and comfortable, hinting at potentially muscular calves.

My only regret is that we can’t see his shoes.

Saw something else notable on your commute? Tweet it over @munidiaries!

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