For Sale Tonight: Muni Tales, Crack, and Bacon

Come over to the dark side, my dears, we have candy, Muni tales, crack, booze, and bacon.

No, really, we do.

For our open mic tonight at the Elbo Room, Nosh This will be selling his delicious “Bacon Crack” — chocolate-dipped bacon butter toffee with almonds, and a bunch of other devilish treats (balsamic vinegar caramels, anyone?)

You can also get the newest batch of Fast Pass Clipper Card holders made especially for Muni Diaries by Heathered.

All that and you get to hear stories from your favorite past performers and special guest Anna Conda, who’ll be announcing the winner of our Google Places contest, and reading that lucky duck’s Muni review!

See you at the show!

Muni Diaries Reunion/Open Mic Show
$5, First Drink Free courtesy of Google Places!
Tonight, Wednesday Sept. 28. Signup starts at 6:30 p.m., show 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Elbo Room, 647 Valencia St. (between 17th and 18th Street). J, 12, 14, 22, 33, 49, BART

Starring Tonight: Anna Conda and Your Muni Review

Can you outwit your fellow Muni riders right onto Anna Conda’s lips? I hope you can. Because there are only a few hours left in our Google Places Muni Review contest. The first place review will be read on stage tomorrow night at the first Muni Diaries Reunion Show by our special guest: Anna Conda! Be there at 7 p.m. at the Elbo Room (Valencia and 17th) to hear all about it.

The first place review also gets a $100 gift certificate to Hog and Rocks. Mmm. Delicious ham and oysters. We also have four more $50 cash prizes to give away for your Google Places Muni review, so get to it!

It’s very easy:
1. Go to the SFMTA page on Google Places.
2. Click Write a Review.
3. Write your most entertaining take on a Muni line or on Muni in general. (You can’t select a Muni line on Google Places, so simply write in the review which line you’re referring to).
4. Add the #MuniDiaries hashtag at the end of your review.
5. Click Submit.

There. Fame, oysters, and money may soon be yours.

This Wednesday, Muni Diaries Reunion Show/Open Mic!

Mark your calendars, clear away all the other appointments, because this Wednesday is our first reunion show/open mic at the Elbo Room! Your favorite past performers will be back on stage telling Muni stories that they didn’t get to share the first time around. And you too can get up on stage and win $50 by telling your own story!

Our special guest is the one and only Anna Conda, who will read the winning Muni review on Google Places! If you haven’t written your wittiest review, you better start right now.

Remember Vero Majano, who brought the house down with a story about being one of the kids in the back of the bus? Remember Joyce Lee and her story about riding Muni with her perfectly coiffed mom? You’ll see Vero, Joyce, and many other Muni Diaries Live favorites this Wednesday night.

Remember: this time we’re having our show at the Elbo Room. Doors 6:30 p.m, show 7 p.m.. We’ll see you there!

Muni Diaries Reunion Show/Open Mic!

Photo by ChipMonkey

Muni Diaries is hosting our very first Reunion/Open Mic show on Wednesday, Sept. 28! Come see your favorite performers from past Muni Diaries Live shows tell stories that ended up on the cutting room floor. Or sign up at the show to tell a Muni story and win a $50 cash prize. Admission is only $5 at the Elbo Room, and you get a FREE DRINK with your admission. You’re practically making money off of us, right?

Want one more reason why you should come to the first Muni Diaries Reunion/Open Mic show? For this show, we’re having a contest on the Muni Google Places page, where you are invited to write your most entertaining review of a Muni line. Use the hashtag #munidiaries to let us know that you want in. The best review wins $100 to Hog and Rocks courtesy of Google Places, and the one and only Anna Conda will read the winning review on stage at the show!

So save the date on your calendar, and see you at the Muni Diaries Reunion/Open Mic!

Muni Diaries Reunion/Open Mic Show
Wednesday Sept. 28. Signup starts at 6:30 p.m., show 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Elbo Room, 647 Valencia St. (between 17th and 18th Street). J, 12, 14, 22, 33, 49, BART

See recaps and videos of past Muni Diaries Live performances.

Joyce Lee’s Mom Takes on Muni

Poet and artist Joyce Lee is a force to reckon with, and if you have ever seen her perform (at the amazing monthly Tourettes Without Regrets in Oakland, for example), you know I’m right. But did you know Joyce’s mother is also an incredible force on her own? At the last Muni Diaries Live, Joyce talked about one memorable Muni ride with her impeccably dressed mother and a bunch of kids who didn’t know who they were dealing with.

I first saw Joyce at the Tourettes Without Regrets’ 10th anniversary show, where she knocked my socks off with her poem, “Crazy:”

“I’m only as crazy as my love is. And my love checks your Facebook every fucking day.”

Joyce has an upcoming poetry CD/DVD, her first professionally produced CD/DVD. She’s also got a Kickstarter page to help get the CD/DVD produced, so check it out if you liked what you heard!

Want more Muni Diaries Live? Check out our Muni Diaries Live event recap page and relive shows you might have missed!

Kirk Read on Muni: Humanity and Criminality

You probably have heard of Mr. Kirk Read, cohost the open mics Smack Dab and Kvetsh, and an amazing storyteller himself. Here Kirk tells a story that happened on the 14-Mission at Muni Diaries Live 5.

I missed my preferred mode of Muni transportation, which I think it’s the only dignified way to ride Muni: the underground. Riding above ground you’re just open to all manners of humanity and criminality and indecency, really. I missed that, so I was left with a double bus on Mission — the 14. Exactly. So I step into my carriage…I went to the back of the bus because that’s where the most interesting people are. So that’s where I sit, in solidarity with the interesting people.

On this night there was nobody in the back of the bus, so I sit down. Then I hear this rustling and I look down, and there is this little pile of fabric squirming on the floor. What is going on?! It took a minute and I realize it’s this little woman who was rubbing against everything, all up on the windows. It’s like when you’re on ecstasy and you really let yourself go. She’s not touching me because she has some manners. But she’s like touching the air, and I’m fascinated, and I’m just like, YES! I’m just gonna sit here and behold.

Watch the video to find out what happened in the rest of Kirk’s story.

Got a story of humanity, criminality, or indecency on the bus? You know where to send it.

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