Video: Writer Annalee Newitz’s story of Muni vs. obnoxious driver

Photo by Kevin Wong/Right Angle Images

Science writer Annalee Newitz fulfilled our geek dreams by sharing a story of how Muni is actually on the side of righteousness when an obnoxious driver gets in its way. I particularly love that she recounted the early days of being in the tech industry in the Bay Area. Here’s the video of her terrific story as told at Muni Diaries Live on April 5.

Missed this show? We’ve got the spring show recap and recap of all of our past shows to tide you over.

Video: Gina Gold’s One Very Special BART Ride

Every single person in the room at Muni Diaries Live was hooked when Gina Gold opens her story by saying, “I have a BART story. I’m not proud of it because usually people are telling stories about a person not acting right, but I AM that person.” Here’s the video of Gina telling her you-wouldn’t-believe-it story that started out with a perfect morning in a Beale Street penthouse.

Let’s just say that Gina’s story makes these BART twerk-a-holics look like junior varsity players.

So put your headphones on and enjoy Gina’s BART story. Oh, and it’s Gina’s birthday this month. Go to her TMI Storytelling show next week in Berkeley and give her a high five in person.

Muni Diaries Live: Hot Night, Hotter Tales

All images by Kevin Wong/Right Angle Images

On Saturday night we packed the Elbo Room to listen to stories about the random, unbelievable, and hilarious things that can happen on public transit. We heard tales about the one ride that made you see life in the city differently (or at least made you never touch the hand bars again). Here’s how it all went down:

Comedian Kate Willett lit up the room with her story about how a passing comment from a stranger on Muni can make you realize that being in love with a girl is totally okay.

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Found: The Most Appropriate NSFW Muni Shirt


This shirt by The Tens is open to interpretation. This Saturday, tell your own two-minute story of fuckin’ Muni, fucking on Muni, or any variation thereof, and you can win this shirt and the love of our entire audience at Muni Diaries Live. Theme and variation, folks. Theme and variation.

Take a good look at this handsome shirt.


You can totally rock this shirt. If you’re not the lucky/talented winner of the audience storytelling contest, don’t you worry. The Tens will be on-site selling shirts for $15.

Join your fellow Muni riders for a night of stories that can only happen on Muni! Muni Diaries Live is back this Saturday night at the Elbo Room. Avoid day-of hassles and get your tickets here.

Video: BART Operator Shares Story on Scatology

BART operator Kelly Beardsley has had many odd jobs in his life, but we’re pretty sure that driving a BART train is probably the quirkiest of them all. Here he is at Muni Diaries Live last year telling a story about a disturbing and hilarious behind-the-scenes tale from the driver’s seat.

Kelly will return to the stage Muni Diaries Live this Saturday with another insider story on the insanity that can only happen on public transit.

Get advance tickets today to save you and your friends a spot. See you Saturday!

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