Live at the Elbo Room: Muni Stories and Muni Bingo!

madrigal muni diaries live

Anything can happen on Muni, but would you ever have imagined a Muni-themed madrigal choir, a hip-hop group whose entire album is about Muni, or Muni riders in a Rice-a-Roni singalong? Me neither, and yet these are just a few of the only-in-San Francisco hilarious things that have really happened at Muni Diaries Live over the years. We’re a short few weeks away from our spring Muni Diaries Live show, as always with an excellent lineup.

For this event, we’ve got a little something for the hipster (or grandma) in you: a Muni bingo game! Get your bingo daubers ready to win great prizes, booze or otherwise!

Grab your tickets here, and we’ll see you soon!

Full lineup:
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Save the Date: Muni Diaries Live, April 16!

muni diaires live 14 satellite high elbo room

It’s that time again! Your favorite biannual storytelling event, Muni Diaries Live, is about a month away. Come celebrate all the hilarity, camaraderie, and disgusting stuff that can happen on public transit in the Bay Area.

Here’s a sneak peek of our great lineup of storytellers:

  • Baruch Porras-Hernandez
  • Alexa Von Kickinface
  • Chriso
  • Lisa Geduldig

And just added: comedian Matt Lieb and writer Wonder Dave!

We’ll release the full lineup soon, so grab a ticket, pin us to your calendar, and we’ll see you on April 16!

Muni Diaries Live
Saturday, April 16, Door: 6 p.m. Show: 7 p.m.
Elbo Room
647 Valencia Street San Francisco
Take Muni there: J-Church, 12, 14, 22, 33, 49, or BART: 16th or 24th St. stations
Photo by Kevin Wong

Video: Jerry Lee Abram tells us stories about the best Muni stop

At Muni Diaries Live in October, Jerry Lee Abram shared tales of days past, when Muni shelters were domed and … and just worked, you know? One Dyke March, Jerry and his friends climbed up on one said shelter and took it all in. Watch the video above to get that double-entendre.

Twice a year, we bring your uncanny tales to the stage at Muni Diaries Live at the Elbo Room. We’re pleased to announce that Elbo Room recently renewed its lease through January 2018. We all breathed sighs of relief upon hearing that news. The next Muni Diaries Live will be in spring 2016. We’ll announce the date as soon as we’ve booked it.

Featured image by brunosuras

Video: Satellite High puts their love of Muni to music

We found Satellite High this June totally by chance. It wasn’t Christmas Day, but it might’ve well have been for Muni nerds like us. “WHAT? A whole album of hip-hop songs about Muni? YES, PLS.”

We were so happy that Jay, Casey, and Vern were available to perform some tracks off said “album about Muni” at Muni Diaries Live in October. Check out the video above for tracks such as “The Bus Is Late,” “I’m on the Bus,” and crowd favorite “A Girl Who Likes Buses, Too.”

Featured photo by Thomas Hawk

Video: Kristee Ono witnesses perfection on a Muni Metro

At Muni Diaries Live in October, Kristee Ono told the story of how she ended up on Muni Metro partly by chance, partly by necessity one night years ago. As bars closed and the train filled with drunk passengers, what began as your everyday judging of fellow public transit riders took a strange, beautiful turn that even Kristee could be in awe of.

Video: Muni operator has a very surprising reason for driving the bus

At Muni Diaries Live last month, expert Muni rider and comedian Cara Tramontano told the story of coming home from the Punchline Comedy Club, wherein she discovered the joys of Muni driver Edison. Watch the video to find out the surprising events that prompted Edison to start driving the bus.

If you run into Edison, please give him a high five for us. We love random Muni driver kindness, like this driver who stopped for a baby bird. Or this driver who helped out a blind man.

Featured image by @coastallocal

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