Category: Photos
Generational warfare tag on Muni
You know you’ve wanted to say scream this more than twice on the bus, or just walking around town. Maybe add a “damn” between “your” and “pants” or something.
Via agoosedad on Tumblr.
Pre-emptive Muni Meltdown signage
A for effort, Muni. Octoferret says, “Metro problems: So common they put up permanent signs for shuttle stops. These are now up at most stops on Market.”
Asses, covered?
Excuse me, sir. You dropped your tempeh burger patty.
Even Muni gets a tow in the rain
Per Adam, who snapped this around Kearny and Sutter:
Rotten day to have to hook a bus up to a tow truck; I tip my hat to the tow-truck driver.
Thanks, Adam. We do, too.
So, for whom does this suck most?
- The tow-truck driver
- The commuters who undoubtedly got kicked off that bus
Mull that over while wishing for a drier commute home. I’m personally crossing all fingers and still-damp toes.