Photo: Engines Must Be Shut Off
Think those pigeons on the ground got the message? Pretty sure this is from the Kirkland Yard, across the street from the ol’ day job.
Via rons1ne.
Your place to share stories on and off the bus.
Think those pigeons on the ground got the message? Pretty sure this is from the Kirkland Yard, across the street from the ol’ day job.
Via rons1ne.
Photo by sputniktraveler
This week’s top five Muni moments contain a Princess Bride reference, tiny dogs, and observations of interesting wardrobe choices on the bus. Get ready:
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@grandview89 tweeted us this pic of people who will obviously love Batman and each other fo lyfe:
Matching Batman tatts on the N. How romantic.
It’s a good time to celebrate heroes, even (ALLEGEDLY) fictional ones.
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I sometimes think we should all wear helmets. Like, always. This guy knows what I’m talking about.
Via bryanstokely on Tumblr.