Category: Photos
Well-behaved lady rides the T-Third
Ladybug, that is. Too, too cute. Via 94th Day/Tweets from the T.
A San Francisco bus route with absolutely no stories, ever
You looooooooove to bitch about Muni. Us, too, on occasion, because, duh. Some even call for it to be replaced by a private transit service. Pay to play, in other words—in pristine buses without the yelling and the excrement and, to us, the interest.
Well, your prayers have been answered. There is now a private transit service in San Francisco offering to move the society- and germ-averse to … wait, WHERE TO WHERE?
Uptown Almanac has the story:
Promising “A Seat For Everyone,” a ride on Nu Muni will cost you $6 each way–assuming you own an iPhone and live on a profitable route. Numi also only runs weekdays from “7:00 AM to 10:00 AM and from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM,” because those are the times everyone needs to ride the bus.
The company running these shuttles, Leap, says, “Our first route, the Chestnut Express, services the Marina.” (emphasis mine) So. The first replacement for Muni services a neighborhood that isn’t exactly known for its bus-ridin’ pride.
I mean, really. If you’re lucky enough to fit Leap’s demographic, tell us: Would you pay more per ride to exorcise Muni from your existence?
h/t: Uptown Almanac
Stylish fella seen pro-sleeping on Muni
Well, well. msjones_in_sf, who shared this photo with us on Instagram, says, “I don’t know how he can sleep like that lol.” I just wanna know what’s coming through dude’s earbuds.
Have you ever fallen asleep on transit unintentionally?
On Instagram? Remember to tag your rad photos #munidiaries so we can spread the gospel.
Multiculti Muni Metro Staredown
This is San Francisco, for chrissakes—even our staring contests are multiculti.
Via @lennyheredia:
Who won, anyway? We love gawking as much as the next Muni rider, but this is ridonk.
Hey, pothead: You left your joint on Muni
What happened, uncontrollable case of the munchies when the 21-Hayes got to Popeye’s?
Interestingly, headless gummy bears found in a similar situation last year would’ve paired well.
Via missquela.