Category: Photos
Your Monday Escape to Reality
Found this great photo by Stephanie Tan on Tumblr. If I stare at it long and hard enough, maybe it’ll transport me to a day that’s not Monday?
Rollin’ with the Abrahams on Muni
Muni rider Fionna asks, “creative usage of a $5 bill?” We answer, “sure, why not?”
Your Weekend Transit Advisory: Outside Lands, Giants games, America’s Cup, Pistahan Parade
Get it going, San Francisco!
Outside Lands Festival
On Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, the Outside Lands Music Festival will be held in Golden Gate Park from noon to 10 p.m. An attendance of 60,000 participants is expected each day. Please visit for more details.
The following Muni lines and routes will be affected:
· N Judah
· 5 Fulton
· 28 19th Avenue
· 29 Sunset
· 44 O’Shaughnessy
· 71 Haight-Noriega
Read more
NYC Subway shark lives life hard
Photo by Gothamist
Living in a big city, you come into contact with plenty of people you might describe as sharks. But you don’t exactly expect to see the real thing on a subway.
That’s exactly what happened in New York City earlier this week when subway riders found a small shark left upside down beneath a seat. Later in the day, photos of the shark surfaced on Gothamist, upright, and posing with a transit pass, Red Bull, and cigarette.
We don’t expect to see any sharks on Bay Area transit anytime soon, but it made us wonder: Does this trump a live chicken on Muni?
Just in time for Shark Week, too.
Left Behind on Muni: A week of meds
Bummer, cuz, uh, you know, that there. Yeah. Bummer. Unless the pill box just wanted to go on an excursion.
It’s no ear of corn or lonely snack. But still.
Via BloodRedOcean.