Category: diaries
Impromptu U2 Medley Aboard the 49-Van Ness
Photo by Brian Brooks
I thought it might be Omer, the infamous Mission District sidewalk “musician.” After seeing a photo of Omer, Mozart thought it could be him. What do you think? I’ve never seen Omer on Muni, but it seems like he’d draw a lot of attention on it.
Found on Muni: A Rare Bird
Sometimes you find pretty beautiful stuff on the bus. I know, it’s more likely you find a bunch of stale fries on the floor, but @jameela_saba found this rare bird.
What else did you find and see on Muni today?
Halloween or Muni or Williamsburg?
Photo by @hotchallah
Photo by Brian
Jack Sparrow riding the bus? Why not. Is this Halloween or just Johnny Depp on his way to work?
Photo by @metsfaninCA
Whoa, how can you breathe under there? Is this a Halloween Thing or just regular Muni Thing?
Photo by @simplepunkk
Halloween or Muni’s revenge on organized religion? (via @simplepunkk)
Photo by @cleverdirt
What do you think, Halloween or traveling back in time on Muni?
Ok here’s an easy one from @JamesTamplin.
Photo by @JamesTamplin
His tiny size and candy pail are dead giveaways.
One more: this is not Muni. But is it Halloween? From the awesome Halloween or Williamsburg.
“And just like that, the American Apparel mannequin got up, stole a bag, and exited the store.”
If and When You Like-Like a Muni Driver
Image: Flickr user jchinn84.
@marisalevinson on Twitter poses a perfectly valid and hypothetical query:
What do you do if you have a crush on a muni driver…Hypothetical situation…
Rider “Mike” left a missed connection for Muni driver Jackie. But how would you (or did you) go about it? Send us your solutions and shouts out to your uniformed objects of affection.
Halloween Or Just Another Day on Muni?
Is this Halloween or just another night on Muni? From rider Joey:
Halloween bus ride on Saturday night on the #2 Clement headed downtown. Unfortunately, I was trapped in a seat and unable to get in the shot. That girl in the foreground in the Ewok/Eskimo costume was from Minnesota and told us she had never ridden a bus before.
How much do we love a whole weekend of taking your costumes out for a ride? Be sure to send us your best Halloween photos on Muni!