Photo by Flickr user dennis
This hilarious-yet-sad anecdote came to the Muni Diaries inbox last week from Muni rider Eric G:
I got on the J at 34th and Judah. For those not in the know, the N sometimes goes outbound to Ocean Beach, then becomes an outbound J. This means it turns onto Church St instead of going into the tunnel.
Of course, this confuses a lot of people. One woman asked me if it would go to Civic Center. “Nope,” I replied.
A few minutes later, a second woman asked if the whole train was going into the tunnel, or just the first half. “This train will turn at the next stop,” I explained.
Thing is, this woman wasn’t just a regular Muni rider. She was a fare inspector. And to make matters worse, she was leading a group of fare inspectors.
I don’t blame her for not knowing. But I think this is symptomatic of Muni not training their employees nearly well enough.
Have you ever been confused about the direction your train was going? Send us all your Muni stories today!