New Deadline for Muni Obituaries

Dead Buses
Photo by Flickr user Bo-Alex

A month or so ago, we announced a call for obituaries to honor the lines that Muni plans to take out of service this fall. We set the deadline for submissions at Sept. 30.

Since then, a reputable source has indicated that the date of discontinuation of the routes listed below is mid-November, a bit later than originally scheduled (yay?).

So …

We’ve decided to give you a little leeway in penning your fitting tribute to the line or lines of your choice. The new deadline is Sunday, October 18. Oh, and no one seems to know what the 53-Southern Heights is or what it does. Any lovers of this poor soul of a Muni bus route care to step up to speak on its behalf, we welcome you.

So here are the lines that’ve been given a few weeks’ reprieve:

* 4-Sutter
* 7-Haight
* 16AX-Noriega “A” Express
* 20-Columbus
* 26-Valencia
* 53-Southern Heights
* 74X-CultureBus
* 89-Laguna Honda

Have at it!

Wishful Thinking: Bike-Subway Love Affair

wishful subway bike

Reader Andy B. sent over this lovely picture. From what I can tell this is a subway car dedicated just for bikes, right? Many of my bicyclist friends would be delighted. Think it’s a good idea for BART? At least we could potentially avoid antagonistic situations like this one.

I didn’t recognize the picture immediately but a couple of minutes of dedicated scrolling later, I found that this was taken in Copenhagen, reportedly the most bicycle-friendly city in the world (courtesy of Arkitip Intel and Copenhagenize).

Thanks, Andy!

Too Much Sex, Read Your Bible

Photo by Flickr user frantikgirl

I think the old adage about full moons bringing the crazies out is not true in San Francisco — I think the heat brings them out. So this morning’s sunny skies meant something good would be happening on the 45.

Once we dropped off all the Marina girls and the old ladies on Market Street and headed toward SOMA I noticed what appeared to be a late middle-aged man with a cane and a bible. Now, in most places, a bible is not necessarily a sign that you’re crazy, but on Muni a bible might as well be a straitjacket. Almost immediately he starts yelling really loudly, spit flying.

“Read your bibles, you’re all going to hell. Too much sex, read your bible. Only Jesus will survive the tsunami and save you from hell, it’s in the bible. Stop gay marriage, read your bible. Your generation is going to hell, read the bible.”

Most of the bus just ignores Angry Bible Guy, but this woman (who didn’t look quite all there) gets up and gets right in his face yelling, “Who are you to be telling us to read the bible, maybe you’re going to hell.”

Angry Bible Guy responds, “Act like a woman, read the bible.”

To which she tells him, “Act like a man, I bet you have a small pecker.”

Then they just start simultaneously screaming at one another until you can’t understand anything but him screaming, “Read your bible” and her imitating an ape with sound effects and a little ape dance.

Finally, the bus driver comes over the loud speaker, “Sir, Lady, you need to keep it down. Pipe down back there.” The screaming continued as I got off the bus. Oh, Lord, lease don’t let it get much hotter, I may have to take a cab.

Weekend Photo: Zoom!

The 22 Races Away Just Before Dawn
Photo by Flickr user eviloar

Whoa, this week passed me by just like that. Enjoy the sunshine, and don’t forget: you still have time to submit your obit for your favorite dying lines.

Here at Muni Diaries headquarters (also known as my second-hand desk from IKEA), we are gearing up for our second spoken word party, “Muni Diaries Live! Under the Influence.” Email us to join the line up or, as always, if you want to share your Muni tales or photos.

Have a great weekend!

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