Three guesses on this ‘Day in the Life’

Three guesses on how the above picture represents a “day in the life on Muni.”

Ok, go!

A closeup of the sweater on the passenger next to you?


A piece of fuzz found hanging from the fare box?

Still no.


Head over to Burrito Justice to find out how the fantastic Eric Fischer created these maps from NextBus data. This makes the frequent long waits for Muni almost … poetic, no?

Muni Book Club Chapter 1, N-Judah

Riders James, Katie, and their friends started a really cool site called Between the Lines to document who’s reading what on public transit in our literary city. Here’s what they spotted this weekend on the N-Judah. Maybe you’ll see James and Katie soon on your line so you can share your discerning book choices.

After judging a book by its very intriguing cover from a few seats over on the N-Judah, Between the Lines had the pleasure of briefly chatting with Grace Foster about her chosen Muni tome, The Second Happiest Day. When she warned us that it was a rather obscure book, we were hooked.

How’d you find this book?

Grace said that she had first heard of the book through a review in either the San Francisco Chronicle or the New Yorker, and that she borrowed the book from the Oakland Public Library. She also told us that the author, John Phillips, was actually writing under a nom de plume. His real name was John Phillips Marquand, Jr., (a previous reader of this particular book thought it was important to pencil in). He was the son of the famous John Phillips Marquand (whom your author had never heard of).

Should we read this on our commute, too?

Grace said that she generally liked the novel, which was written at some point in the 1950s and involved the lives of upper-class characters. She said it was “typical of a forgotten genre,” and was a rather obscure work.

Turns out Grace was right. According to this Washington Post report, it is out of print and “long ago disappeared into the remotest shelves of the secondhand bookstores.” Good find, Grace, and thanks for chatting!

Does it seem like everyone is reading the same thing on your bus? Have a better idea of what they should be reading? Share it with your fellow riders.

Sonic Enhancement on Muni

Video by RobotGirlAttacks

Yesterday, we tweeted SFist’s Afternoon Palette Cleanser, “Opera” on the Muni. There’s so much to say about that, but I think SFist’s Jay summed it up just fine:

“[T]his is a town that loves wackiness and loves to interact on public transportation.”

Damn, that would make a nice Muni Diaries tagline, dontcha think?

Anyhow, to continue that theme, we bring you this (improv) ditty from the back of the bus. My favorite part is the girl near the camera, who seems none too thrilled, but then starts bobbing her head around 0:36. Rhythms can be infectious that way, eh?

How to really sleep on Muni

Sleep Guy
Photo by Flickr user SFNoob

We’ve posted about sleeping on the bus before — in fact, rider Kelsey reported that there is a special jacket to help you sleep on public transportation and even a Facebook group.  One of my favorite sleeping on the bus moments was this adorable post of Muni Love. You know what, I love this picture so much that I am going to post it here again:

In any case, rider Alexia caught a picture of a rider who took sleeping on the bus to the next level (see her picture below). We really hope this passenger was just getting comfortable and not feeling unwell…

Weekend Photos: Gone Fishin’

Take Your Work More Seriouslly
Photo by Troy Holden

By sheer coincidence, both of your editors are starting the weekend early, namely by getting eff outta town. We both left this morning. But the robots that really run the site were nice enough to promise us they’d publish this post for us in our absence. (Note to robot: please also do my taxes and laundry by the time I get back. Thanks!)

If you’re a Muni Diaries regular, and haven’t already, please take a couple minutes this weekend to fill out our redesign survey. We’re about to tweak the way the site looks just a little, and we want your input. Doing so might get you a free drink.

Car 130 San Francisco
Photo by Flickr user Nick Fisher

Muni tracks
Photo by Flickr user apasciuto

Photo by Flickr user contrasts

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