Can We Design the San Francisco Public Transit App?

David points us to Designing Chicago: New Tools for Public Transit, a project under way in the Windy City to build an app that finally, once and for all, truly serves the needs of transit users in a big city. He goes on:

Cool crowd funded, crowd sourced public transit app for CTA in Chicago. You would think that with all the social app startups in SF, someone would try to do something like this. Maybe it’s because they’re all too busy riding around in private shuttle busses to realize how shitty Muni is.

Feel that hopefulness? I get where he’s coming from. Nothing against some of the better apps out there. But something like Design Chicago could (should) happen here.

Okay, who’s ready? And who’s leading this thing? Not me. Heh.

“My mother’s most memorable Muni story”

Photo by foggydave

100 Muni StoriesNot many (most?) of us can say that their mother took them around town on Muni when they were kids. Not so for one of our favorite Muni Diaries commenters, Dexter Wong. Take it away, Dexter:

My mother’s most memorable Muni story is that she was taking me to the doctor on the old B Geary streetcar (I was still a baby.) As we neared our stop, she picked me up (I was wrapped in a blanket) and walked toward the open door. A gust of wind came through it and blew the blanket open, revealing I was barefoot. An old lady noticed me and said loudly, “That baby must be cold!” My mother then covered me back up and got off, saying nothing, but feeling quite embarrassed.

Sweet stuff.

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